Well, several years ago, we discovered that we actually used ATMs and electronic checking more than paper checks, so as a gift, my lovely wife purchased for me a pack or 200 checks with Spider-Man embossed on them (there are 4 different scenes, I’ve posted one — sans all personal info — here). Since we hardly ever used paper checks, and she was constantly checking the balance online it really wasn't a really a problem that I had a patch of non-sequential checks.

The interesting part of the story occurred when the checks never arrived, Shelly notified Checks In the Mail and they sent a new batch of checks. Several months later, a neighbor or ours brought over a package of checks that was accidentally delivered to her. Turns out it was the missing 200 checks. Unwilling to simply toss the checks, I squirreled them away in the back of my sock drawer. As stated, I don’t writ checks very often (perhaps a dozen a year from me) so those checks have lasted quite a while.
When I ran through the initial batch, I simply pulled out the misdirected set and have been using them, since the checks are already out of sequence, and the similarly-numbered check is from years, and years ago, there is no chance of any conflict. Needless to say, I now have 400 checks for the price of 200, and probably a decade’s worth of Spidey checks, which is great, as Checks in the Mail no longer offers strictly Spidey checks, but a full run of Marvel heroes (which isn’t actually bad, either).
Spider-Man checks! Is there anything the wall-crawler isn't on? If he's on rolls of toilet paper, I don't know if I'd ever use those rolls...
Funny you should mention Toilet Paper, Reggie, because, well...
Wow. Just... wow.
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