Friday, July 11, 2008

Spidey is my Banker

Well, to be sure, he really isn’t my banker, but I do think of him that way whenever I write checks. You see, I have (through Checks in the Mail) Spider-Man checks, as well as a check cover. Since my bank allows customers to purchase checks from third-party manufacturers (and since those third-party checks are cheaper than the ones the Bank can sell), I’ve long opted to go that route. Given that my wife and I share our checking account, obviously only one of us can control the checkbook. As it turns out, since she writes most of the checks, she carries the checkbook on her, and thus always got to choose what the checks looked like.

Well, several years ago, we discovered that we actually used ATMs and electronic checking more than paper checks, so as a gift, my lovely wife purchased for me a pack or 200 checks with Spider-Man embossed on them (there are 4 different scenes, I’ve posted one — sans all personal info — here). Since we hardly ever used paper checks, and she was constantly checking the balance online it really wasn't a really a problem that I had a patch of non-sequential checks.

The interesting part of the story occurred when the checks never arrived, Shelly notified Checks In the Mail and they sent a new batch of checks. Several months later, a neighbor or ours brought over a package of checks that was accidentally delivered to her. Turns out it was the missing 200 checks. Unwilling to simply toss the checks, I squirreled them away in the back of my sock drawer. As stated, I don’t writ checks very often (perhaps a dozen a year from me) so those checks have lasted quite a while.

When I ran through the initial batch, I simply pulled out the misdirected set and have been using them, since the checks are already out of sequence, and the similarly-numbered check is from years, and years ago, there is no chance of any conflict. Needless to say, I now have 400 checks for the price of 200, and probably a decade’s worth of Spidey checks, which is great, as Checks in the Mail no longer offers strictly Spidey checks, but a full run of Marvel heroes (which isn’t actually bad, either).


Reggie White Jr. said...

Spider-Man checks! Is there anything the wall-crawler isn't on? If he's on rolls of toilet paper, I don't know if I'd ever use those rolls...

rjsodaro said...

Funny you should mention Toilet Paper, Reggie, because, well...

Reggie White Jr. said...

Wow. Just... wow.

Tommy said...


One Hulk, Two Hulk, Green Hulk, Red Hulk Or Wait, Why is the Hulk Red?

With the release of Captain America: New World Order , We — as a comicbook aficionado, historian, journalist, and creator for over 60 years ...