And while I’m talking about ComicCon, I thought that I would add in this story that my son shot over to me today, also from ComicCon.

POW! ZOWIE! Scholars discover the comic book.
(Oh yeah, before I go on, I have to tell you that I HATE with a passion funnybook news stories that use “Pow”, “Bam”, “Zap”!
San Diego - Amid the spectacle of the world's largest comics convention, tens of thousands of attendees had Batman on the brain.
But only graduate student Kate McClancy came armed with an analysis of how an asylum in the Caped Crusader's world reflects the American debate over treatment of the mentally ill.
It's an obscure topic, to be sure. But Ms. McClancy's treatise was right at home at Comic-Con International, which was held here this past weekend.
You can read the rest of that story here.
There was something on TV about Batman's villains and their psychological profile so to speak, i.e. they had professionals analyzing the Joker and I'm assuming at least 2 - 3 other villains before that (I missed the beg.)
The History Channel (I believe) has been running a pair of specials all month on the tech of Batman and the Psychology of Batman, they usually run the two one-hour specials back to back. I saw them both and they were both very good.
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