You ready? I hope so, buecause this is going to be a fun ride for some of you folks. Well, the first thing you can see is a Spidey pin I acquired back in the mid-‘90s (San Diego I believe).

OK, here we go, I’m going to start off simple with a fes Spidey T-SHirts:

OK, so I’m an aging hippy, get over it:

This T-shirt also came by trading food proof-of-purchase seals for it, only I don’t remember what product. This shirt was also from Spidey 3 as I recall.

This next shirt is from my Mom, who purchased it In Italy a couple of years ago when she went there.

These next two shirts are not T-shirts, but something more. The first is a silk Spidey Club shirt and the second is a Spidey jersey. I got them both at an extreme markdown at a local store (they were originally $50.00 each, but I got them both for $30.00 for the two of them — cool, eh?).

OK, I’m going to cut this off her for now. This isn’t all of my funnybook wearables (not by far), but I didn’t want to overload you all. Come back over the next couple of days, and you’ll see what I have for you.
Nice! The Brachs thing seems familiar to me, but I didn't get around to sending off the proofs of purchases.
As big a Spidey fan as I am, I don't have even close to the number of shirts you have! I need to quit slacking.
Just remember Reggie, I’ve been at this for quite a while, I’m sure you’ll catch up.
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