First up is my Calvin & Hobbes shirt. Now I know what you are thinking, Bill Watterson never authorized any Calvin & Hobbes merchandising. For him, it was all about the comic itself. Well, when I purchased the shirt, I didn’t realize that, so I bought the shirt. It was only later that I realized that it was a bootleg. Needless to say, as I love the characters so much, I can’t get rid of the shirt, only as you can imagine, I no longer wear it out of the house. All-in-all a fair compromise (And Bill, if you are reading this, I’m sorry, but if it helps, I’ve purchased all of your books about Calvin & Hobbes).

While I was at this convention, I also donated blood at the Robert A. Heinlein blood bank, and received this free T-Shirt: I’m also including the small logo on the front as well as the back image. Technically not a comic-T but as I got it in San Diego, at a Con, I think it should count.

Next up are a couple more shirts that I scored at that ‘95 San Diego Con. One from Tekno Comics (a company that no longer Publishes) and a Dark Horse Star Wars shirt:

Hey, remember the Warren Beatty Dick Tracy movie? Don’t worry, I do, and this was the T-Shirt that people who saw it on opening night got. In fact, it was “technically” our entrance. Everyone was supposed to wear the shirt into the film. Several did, but many did not.

This next shirt I got at last year’s MoCCA convention. I have no idea what the comic it is promoting is about, but it was free, and it is kinda cool. Still, it is mostly a shirt I wear around the house, rather than out and about.

These last two shirts I got several years ago from not a comic book company but some Tech company (OKI Semiconductor) that had commissioned the creation of these two characters to promote their product lines and/or services. I tried at the time to convince them that I could create actual comics with these characters, but I never really got anywhere with them.

OK, that’s it for now. See you again tomorrow.
Out of curiosity's sake...Do you ever have a shirt with either the Superman S symbol or Spidey's suit design under another shirt and pretend like you're changing into those respective super hero guises?
What do I look like to you a geek?
*Chuckles to self*
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