Monday, July 07, 2008

Good Night Spidey

So, when you all go to sleep, do you sleep soundly? or are you afraid of things that go bump (or Thwip, or Snikt or Bamf) in the night? Not me. I’m protected by my very own superhero. Think I’ve gone a little goofy, well you might be right, only maybe not so much. As you can see by these pics, I’ve got Spidey (and his Marvel buddies) hanging around me all the time.

First up, is a light switch plate that is the entrance to my office. Then you can see a pillowcase that my brother gave me several years ago, followed by a pair of Spidey lounge pants (pajama bottoms) that I wear to bed. The lounge pants can be found at My wife acquired them for me a short time back. I also acquired boxer shorts there as well.

Next up I have a pic of the Spidey garbage pail that sits next to my side of the bed. My Son Dylan got that for me a couple of years ago. I have (had) another one that sat in my office, but after I had a minor flood in my basement (no, don’t worry, I didn’t lose anything important, no Spidey-related stuff, no non-Spidey related stuff — save for the rug itself. I moved a good deal of Stuff out to my garage then. That was two years ago, last year, I suffered another flood during rainy season (didn’t lose anything then, either, but as these were the only two floods I had in my basement in the 15 years that I lived here, I’m cautious to put stuff down here again until we get past that time this year. When that happens, I’ll repopulate my office with my Spidey struff, and then I’ll show you pics of my way-cool stuff.

Oh yeah, I also have Spidey in my car, as you can see from the last photo, I have what can only be called a shoulder-strap buddy. I found this little guy on a Yahoo auction from china for a penny (the shipping was like $12 bucks, but I couldn’t resist). It is supposed to be fastened (by Velcro) to the shoulder strap, and then your little guy can have Spidey watch over him while strapped into the car.

Now personally, I don’t drive like that, but it is fun to keep in the car.


Reggie White Jr. said...

Wow, I think I wet myself looking at all that cool stuff. 'Scuse me.

rjsodaro said...

Dude, just think, how cool other Spidey fans are going to think you are after you have been collecting Spidey stuff for 30 or 40 years.

Tommy said...

I have some sort of Spidey nightlight I think (but I honestly don't know when it was obtained).

The Spidey boxers are something I'll dream of any future significant other buying me when we're married. :D

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