I’m as giddy as a schoolgirl.
This is the place where I discuss all things Sacred and Profane. Stop by and check me out. Leave a comment (or not), as this is done for my own amusement. If you too are entertained, all the better, but that is not the motivation here. For I, am a...Writer with attitude! Comics, Sci Fi, movies, TV, Books, the Internet, Pop Culture, you name it. I talk about all of these things and more. These are the things that entertain me. I can only hope that some of them will entertain you as well.
Not sure if anyone's familiar with “Casstoons” but they're a series of crude mouse-drawn comic strips a guy going by the handle of "Drink" started doing on several comic message boards about a year ago in response to DC’s mishandling of Batgirl. Since then though he's been doing parodies of other comic story lines though.
(Read story)
DALLAS (Nov. 10) - Captain America may not be back from the dead, but he's back - sort of. After Marvel Comics unexpectedly killed off the champion of liberty and the American way earlier this year, he appears in a comic made exclusively for U.S. soldiers. He is seen on a videotape made before his death.
Captain America is back in free military comic
Yeah, some guys have all the luck, and this guy Todd McDevitt seems to be lucky indeed. Seriously, I’ve had dreams like this where I walk into a store, or someplace and I find all of these vintage comics in pristine condition. Then I wake up. Well, it is nice to know that stories like this really do take place. I want to be jealous, but, hell, few things could be cooler than this.
Well,me completing off my Spider-Man collection would be nice. I’m only missing a couple years worth of comics that fluctuate between ‘95 and ‘01. I was missing all of those years,but have managed to fill them in quite nicely, and hope to someday do just that. When I do that, I’ll have a complete run.
Then life will be so sweet!
With the release of Captain America: New World Order , We — as a comicbook aficionado, historian, journalist, and creator for over 60 years ...