Friday, December 07, 2007

Stop me if you’ve heard this one before!

Paul S. A SpiderFan buddy of mine turned me on to this on-line cartoon that takes a slam against the current One More Day storyline going on in the Spider-Man titles. Us fans all know where Joe Quesada is going with his badly-conceived storyline to retcon the marriage of Peter Parker and Mary Jane Watson-Parker.

Those of us who care (i.e.; everyone who reads or has read any Spider-Man title, ever!) think that he has his head stuck up his...well,you get the idea. Anyway, the cartoon in question is called Casstoons, and, well, here is what Paul told us in an email.

Not sure if anyone's familiar with “Casstoons” but they're a series of crude mouse-drawn comic strips a guy going by the handle of "Drink" started doing on several comic message boards about a year ago in response to DC’s mishandling of Batgirl. Since then though he's been doing parodies of other comic story lines though.

It is very funny, and deserves to be read.


Anonymous said...

Drink found your blog via google, but he didn't have time to register, so I thought I'd pitch in:

Casstoons are made not just by Drink, but also by Espanolbot, and a whole horde of guest writers. New Casstoons are posted at the Supderdickery forums and all of them are archived here:

Okay, enough shameless promotion, off to reading your other blog entires :)

rjsodaro said...

As I said, we were turned on to Casstons by a SpiderFan buddy of ours, and we’re glad that we were. Funny stuff. So han with us,a nd we’ll be gback to hang with you.

The More the merrier!

Tommy said...

Lots of fun to be had going through Superdickery! :)

I'm also perusing updates to this LiveJournal featuring misc. things in comics (although you have to be 14 to view it...yeah, I don't get that either.)

I'm going to have to cut the link into 3 parts so it fits in here.

There's been a 14 Pt. or so series about Gwen in some of the entries, but to see them all, it'll require going through many previous entries and you might find yourself losing track of the time as you check out the other ones that interest you.


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With the release of Captain America: New World Order , We — as a comicbook aficionado, historian, journalist, and creator for over 60 years ...