Sunday, November 11, 2007

Lovely Demon: Demonic-Reaper Chronicles

Occasionally, I read non-Spidey comics (yeah, hard to believe, eh?) Well when I do read a non Spider-Man comic, it very often tends to be an Indie comic belonging to a friend of mine. Well, Just yesterday, while I was attending the NY-CAG, meeting, I purchased a comic from my friend and fellow CAGer, Rebecca.

I really enjoy Rebecca's art and story, and have even invited her to participate in creating an on-line web comic that I’ve written. A short time ago I sent her the first eight weeks of the comic (entitled FunnyBook City), and I hope that she gets the chance to read it soon.

Now that I’ve promoted her book here I’m hoping that she’ll find the time to work on my project. Seriously though, her comic (Lovely Demon) is a very nice first effort and deserving of your attention. I know that she will be at The National here in NYC next weekend (Nov. 16–18) and at the NYC Animie Fest next month. Her Web site is here, so swing on over and check her out, and don’t forget to tell her I sent you over.



This book was the worst piece of trash I ever read. It's not fit to line the bottom of my rabbit's cage!

P.S. Rebecca, you didn't specify what KIND of comment you wanted me to post. :P

Z-LA (Zanny Lane) said...

Ha.... ha....meh
I wonder why you even bother to waste your money on my comic.. :P.

Thank you Bob for the review. I will get to read your stories as soon as I get enough time.

rjsodaro said...

Don’t listen to Wolverine, he’s bi-polar (or just bi*), and the truth of the matter is he’s just as big of fan of Rebecca as am I. Go check out her book, and then perhaps you’ll be able to see her are on a new Web comic that she will be doing soon, (written by your humble narrator).

Stay tuned.

*He reads both Marvels and DC!


Like anyone's gonna listen to a guy who dresses up like Spider-Man.

rjsodaro said...

You listen


Only so you'll go away.

rjsodaro said...

Like that’s going to happen!



rjsodaro said...

All of which begs the issue of going out to buy Rebecca's comic and read it. If you come to the National and buy it from here there, she’ll even autograph it for you!

Tommy said...

The things I miss while off saving the Omniverse and answering the misc. Spider-Man query.

I think this looks very cool and I'm wondering about this web-comic now.

I shall keep and eye and ear out for it. Perhaps a nose too, cause I believe my allergies can make my sense of smell very sensitive at misc. points.

One Hulk, Two Hulk, Green Hulk, Red Hulk Or Wait, Why is the Hulk Red?

With the release of Captain America: New World Order , We — as a comicbook aficionado, historian, journalist, and creator for over 60 years ...