Friday, October 12, 2007

Captain America is Dead, Long Live Captain America

OK, who (besides me) knew that Cap was coming back. Well he is, only it apparently isn’t Steve Rogers (who apparently is still dead). Yep that’s right, in the January edition of Cap’s book (#34, to be precise), Captain America will return.

According to a post on the Star-Spangled Avenger returns, with a new costume that has been designed by Alex Ross. Now, you have to understand that this story is “Half-way” through the Death of Captain America storyline. Personally I believe that it will end with Steve Rogers returning and once-more donning the mask of America‘s Sentinel of Liberty.

When he does, remember, you read it here first.

1 comment:

Tommy said...

Gah @ 'a more brutish interpretation, at this point, for the modern age.'

That seems so cliched at this point.


Also, Cap's new costume reminds me of Ben's costume. The way the upper body area goes into the upside down triangle towards the waist.

And the shine blinds!! EEK!!!

Anyways, since this is NOT Captain America, I figure the gun may make more sense with whoever is donning the outfit.

Since this is all part of a plan, negative reaction is likely taken into account and I wouldn't be surprised if this news bit was also made to draw more attention to the story, by saying things to irk Cap fans.

Then it'll end as you say it will, with Steve busting up this dude and saying, "Guns are for tools. I'm not the Punisher, I'm the ****in' Captain America, bitch!" *KO's temp Cap!*

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With the release of Captain America: New World Order , We — as a comicbook aficionado, historian, journalist, and creator for over 60 years ...