Thursday, November 22, 2007

Brush your teeth with Spidey

Today may be the day of turkeys, but when you are done eating your T-Day meal, you are going to want to brush your teeth, We suggest that you use your Spidey Tooth Brush, of which we have a few. Here’s one that we have.

I know that I have at least one (and maybe two) others. I’ll add those into this post later on today. Right now dinner is being served, and everyone is wondering where I am.

OK, Back now, and I’ve brought more pics. Well, at least one more (I still think that I have another tooth brush, but I can’t seem to find it now. I’ll have to look more later.

1 comment:

Tommy said...

I think there's also Spider-Man toothpaste if I remember right.

All the turkey got eaten the day of. I think that's the first time that's occurred to my recollection.

I've seen a couple of Spidey action figures at my grocery store, perhaps based on the movies.

I picked up the Venom one, and remember seeing a Green Goblin (movie costume) and a Rhino one (armor-plate looking, although not with the color scheme I remember in the comics).

Speaking of Rhino, I'm confused about him being stuck in his hide in misc. issues from the 2000s since I thought he had it off in that Annual story where he's looking for a might have been in the 1994 - 1995 period.


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With the release of Captain America: New World Order , We — as a comicbook aficionado, historian, journalist, and creator for over 60 years ...