Tuesday, November 27, 2007

Lets hear it for Fabio!

Yep, I want to talk about my good buddy from Brazil. Fabio not only did he draw my new story for Psychosis! #2, but he published it (twice) in Brazil. Further, he sent me a copy of a Spider-Man comic that was published in Brazil.

How cool is that?


Tommy said...

I was gonna put in a comment with translations for the cover, but I don't know where my pally from Portugal went off to, so I'll have to check in with him later.

I recognize some of the words, and morir (spanish word) means 'to die'.

It's neat that you got the Death of Gwen Stacy story from Brazil!!

Tommy said...

Okay, I've got in contact with my pally, and here's the translations. :)

homem aranha = spider-man

30 pontos = 30 points

nesta edição: O que aconteceria se... = in this issue: what would happen IF...

A namorada do arahna não tivesse morrido? = spidey's girl had not died?

Uma aventura fantastica no mundo alternativo = a fantastic adventure in an alternate world

Must be a what-if story I'm thinking.

Unknown said...

Think I'm a little late (lol) the mysteri is solved now.
That's an old "What if..." story. What if Gwen haven't die?
The "30 points" is about an old promotion of the publisher. If you had some sort of numbers, you'd win a lot of products (games,toys, bikes, etc). This issue is from the earlier 80's. It's a pleasure to "improve" your spider collection, he he.
Bests, man!

rjsodaro said...

Yeah, I love getting comics from around the world (even better if they are Spidey comics; I have British, Spanish, and Brazillian Spideys, as well as comics from the Netherlands, France, Italy (I think) and the Middle East.

When friends of mine are going to non-U.S. countries, I always ask them for either a comic or a fast food toy. Both are cool.

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