Monday, May 03, 2010

Get ready foe an Iron Man (2) Summer!

Well, this is interesting, it appears that Iron Man 2 has already made its international debut, and, courtesy of it's new corporate master, Disney, it already looks like it will be pulling in blockbuster-level box office Bucks!

"Iron Man 2" took in $100 million in its international debut this past weekend, auguring well for its U.S. opening May 7. More important, the movie will serve as a barometer of Walt Disney Co.'s ability to integrate Iron Man creator Marvel Entertainment, with its tangled legacy of licensing and distribution arrangements.
While we certainly hope that the Disney/Marvel merger-nee-acquisition it looks like that the Mouse House is certainly rolling out the red carpet.

Further down the road, Mr. Iger said he expects Iron Man and other Marvel characters to become "presences" at some Disney theme parks, initially through smaller attractions than set-piece rides. Again, though, the company is somewhat constrained by agreements previously struck by Marvel, which granted Universal Studios Florida the exclusive right, in the region, to create rides based on many of its major characters, including Iron Man.
Now we just have to have them fix that terrible, terrible mistake Joe Q. did with Spidey, eh?

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