Monday, May 24, 2010

Funnybook City

Hey, I just now got the PDF from Main Enterprise for the Big Book of Small Press, which contains my short story, Too Much Coffee, Man! (with art by Jack Bertram). the book is a whopping 200+ pages of wicked-cool art spotlighting all sorts of supremely talented people (and, well me). I haven’t had a chance to read the whole thing as of yet, but just by skimming through it (to get to my contribution), I couldn't help but to be impressed by the level of talent in it.

Sure the book tips in at $18.95, but there are 214 pages and — while it isn’t yet available in a dead tree edition — I understand that Jim Main (head honcho of the aforementioned Main Enterprises) is making it available as a PDF download for substantially less (sorry, I’ve forgotten the price for the PDF, but I’ll let you know as soon as it is available. (That link above is for Jim’s ecrater site where he sells all of his other very cool books, and I’m sure that The Big Book will wind up there shortly).

In the mean time, Here is the cover off the book, and the first page of the art. To see the rest, you are just going to have to pick up a copy of the issue (either electronically or physically).

Oh yeah, not only was I was totally inspired by Shannon Wheeler of Too Much Coffee Man fame, but the most-excellent art in this story is (again) courtesy of Jack Bertram.

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