Monday, June 23, 2008

More Marvel Tchachkas

So, just because I have this stuff laying all around me and I wanted to make you guys jealous talk about it, I figure that I’d post pics of a couple of other Spidey/Marvel-related stuff I acquired from a dispensing machine a couple of years ago.

The “gum machine” was located inside the breezeway of a local Wal-Mart. Every time I went in I dropped a quarter in the machine. Lucky for me, I never wound up with any duplicates.

These items were like a quarter (if I recall correctly). There might have been more of them, but I have a tendency to stop picking up this stuff when I score the Spidey toy. Anyway, these were small, plastic medallions hung on a string.

As you can see, I have Spider-Man, an FF logo, The Thing, and I believe the last one is Thanos (I was reminded of them when Tommy brought up the stickers he got in the ‘90s).

I also have a Christmas ornament that my kids got me at a craft show which I’ll post as soon as I get the image out of my phone. Currently the ornament hangs on the wall of my office.


Mike Podgor said...

That blue fellow looks like Apocalypse, the X-Men villian.

rjsodaro said...

I stand corrected, Mike, you are absolutely correct. Consider yourself Un-Prized!

Tommy said...

I'm loving the 'Amazing power and responsibility' text on Spidey's.

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With the release of Captain America: New World Order , We — as a comicbook aficionado, historian, journalist, and creator for over 60 years ...