Wednesday, June 16, 2010

The War of the Independents grows ever closer

Well kids, it is getting real exciting now, kids! That’s right, I just got the previous link from Dave Ryan who is the nefarious mastermind behind The long-anticipated War of the Independents, and well, I’m getting all worked up because my characters, The Wülf Girlz are a part of this series.

Dave has been working on this series for a couple of years, and I was one of the first folks to sign up (at least that’s what I recall), and I’ve been looking forward to this for — well quite some time — and I plan on being there at the NY ComicCon when Dave launches it.

I also plan on backing the launch by putting my own money where my mouth is, and I strongly urge you all to do like wise, so please, follow the link to the KickStarter proposal page and do likewise!

Yeah, I’m so happy I could carry a book!

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