Monday, July 13, 2009

A weekly Spidey Fix!

No, I’m not talking about the three-times-a-month Amazing Spider-Man comic that has been coming out for the past year or so, I’m talking about the fact that Spidey now appears weekly in Comic Shop News.

That’s right, beginning (I think) with issue #1150, CSN is starting to reprint the syndicated Spidey strip by Stan Lee and (his brother) Larry Leiber. My local paper doesn’t carry the series, and, well, as much of a Spidey fan that I am I‘m simply not going to pick up another newspaper that I’m not going to read, simply to read these stories.

I believe that many of them were reprinted somewhere, and either I purchased this reprint volume, or will purchase it when (if) it becomes available.

In the meantime, I’ll settle for picking up CSN each week at my local comicbook shop. At least these strips are all in color, and you know, free.

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