Thursday, July 23, 2009

Hey! Kids! I’ve been Published!

Just so you all know, I do (occasionally) read comics that are not published by Marvel. That is to say, that while I (almost always) write about Marvel and, (more specifically) about Spidey, I do (occasionally) read other comics.

One of those that I always make a point to pick up is Nexus. I’ve been reading this title for well over a decade, beginning with its debut in Capital City Comics in 1983. Well, in January 2008, longtime penciler Steve Rude took over as publisher and issued Nexus #100. Last week, issue 101/102 (a double-sized issue) hit the stands.

I read the issue, and (as always) enjoyed it immensely. Then I got to the letters pages (remember them?) and skimmed through the letters, that is until I got to this one...

Yeah, look close at the guy who penned that fabulous missive.

Personally, I had written it so long ago that I completely forgotten that I had written it. Ain’t life grand?

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