Wednesday, July 08, 2009

Hey look! I’m on TV!

So, this is a little bit dated, but it just popped up on my radar, and I was so tickled by it that, well, I just had to post it.

Anyway, like I said, GWP is so last year, right now Mark and I are involved in Mark’s new venture, Atlas Unleashed. We are building a new publishing paradigm, and right now are gathering creators and material to publish.

There will be more info as we are ready to talk about it, but let me leave you with this: We brought Psychosis! over with us, and are preparing to launch a Sci-Fi mag, and a number of creator-owned titles, including my own Agent Unknown, and Wülf Girlz.


Tommy said...


rjsodaro said...

And your point?

Tommy said...

Someone has to state the obvious.

rjsodaro said...

Hey, I got to stand thisclose to Belkis, you too would do the same, my friend.

MFC Studios said...

Dated? You aint kidding!

This is what happens when you dont pay for a webmaster!

rjsodaro said...

Are we talkin’ ‘bout you or me?

Tommy said...

I'm mostly teasing, but yeah, in a NY minute.

Tales from Section 12 & Beyond

Recently we were at a local comicbook show where we reconnected with Len Mihalovich, a comicbook writer/creator who penned several stories f...