Tuesday, September 09, 2008

I met Spider-Man this weekend, and you didn’t

That’s right kids. I met the actual, honest-to-Stan, Spider-Guy, and I can prove it. You see, I spent this past weekend (underwater in CT, thanks to Hurricane Hanna). I was working at a local outdoor food and music festival here in my hometown — one that I’ve been working at for the past 22 years. Anyway, this year, Spider-Man and some other Marvel Heroes (and villains) were scheduled to show up; which they did.

That’s right, I got to meet, Spider-Man, Storm, Hulk, and the Green Goblin. The Marvel characters came out and performed a kid-oriented show, and then met with their fans afterward. Below, are some of the photos that I managed to snap of these folk, before, during, and after the show. The show was fun and all, and was most definitely done for the kids. (And yeah, everyone working with me at the Festival knew that I was not only there at the show, but made fun of me because I told everyone that I really wanted to go.

Oh yeah, the really fun part for me, was that because earlier in the weekend since I had received a back-stage pass, I got to watch the show from the wings, and then got to meet the heroes personally.

Yeah, I am a geek. Now, some of those show pics

Spidey back stage:

Spidey and Storm onstage:

Hulk joins them onstage:

Bring on the Bad Guy!

Look, we even have Spider clones!

And the crowd goes wild!

And finally, Spidey & Me!

Hail! Hail! The Gang’s All Here!

Eat yer hearts out kids!


Reggie White Jr. said...

Did you tell Green Goblin to stop being such a d-bag and that Spidey used to be married?

rjsodaro said...

Reg, I’m still trying to figure out how Peter knew that Osborn used to know his secret identity, but (apparently) doesn’t seem to recall that it is because Pete made a deal with Mephestio that he doesn’t.

Andrew said...

Yes, the issue of what Osborn knows, what he doesn't know, what he knows he used to know but no longer knows, what he doesn't know he used to know, and how he feels about this definitely needs some explanation...

Tommy said...

Too bad Sins Past didn't get retconned if you go by some of Osborn's comments in Thunderbolts (I'm not sure if he had a monologue in whatever storyline had him crucifying Swordsman with razorbats).

I saw it at Scans Daily some time back.

Sol (Frederick) Badguy said...

This is fun
I didn't know there was such an event

I wondered about how Peter knew Norman used to know and forgot Spider-Man's secret identity as well

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