Thursday, September 25, 2008

Day three of my Birthday

Hey, this is my Blog, so, yeah, I can celebrate my birthday all week if I want. Truth of the matter is — as you all know — I tend to get Spidey stuff on my birthday, and this time was no different. I received a bunch of cool Spidey stuff from my family, and I now have pictures! As you can see, the first item of the day is a deck of Spidey playing cards. I know that I have another (older) deck lying around somewhere (from 15 years or so back), but it is always cool getting new stuff like this. Unfortunately, it is a standard deck with generic images on the faces, rather than Spider-Man-specific. Still it is cool to have.

Next up is a Spidey pad (with a way-cool magnet on the back so I can hang it on the side of the fridge or something metalic).

As a writer, I’m going to need a journal, so now I have a Spidey-Journal

Well, with all these Spidery things to write on, I’m going to need Spider-Man pens:

...and what is a birthday without sweets?

All-in-all, loads of fun stuff, eh?


Reggie White Jr. said...

I didn't any Spidey goods like that on my birthday! =(

rjsodaro said...

Apparently you are not married to the right woman.

Tommy said...

A custom journal!! *Shivers with jealousy!*

Reggie White Jr. said...

I'm still looking for the right woman!

rjsodaro said...

So am I reg, so am I. (Wait, is my wife reading this? I hope not!)

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With the release of Captain America: New World Order , We — as a comicbook aficionado, historian, journalist, and creator for over 60 years ...