Saturday, December 31, 2011

Jughead says hello

Just thought I'd share this con sketch of Jughead that I acquired for my wife several years ago from Stan Goldberg. I apologize in advance for the quality of the image. The art is framed and I was unwilling to take it out from behind the glass to scan it.

The sketch is from '87.

One last Spidey for the year

Yesterday was my daughter's 17th birthday, and we went into NYC to celebrate, while she was there she spotted this Spidey figurine, and picked it up for me.

Here he is holding my straw. Pretty cool, eh?

Thursday, December 29, 2011

(Not) the Avengers Trailer

Saw this today and had to re-post it...


Apparently it's still Christmas!

This seems to happen every year, someone (usually me) forgets to give a gift for Christmas/Chanukah. This year I was the recipient of a lat gift rather than the one who forgot.

Oh, and if you can read it, yes, that says “Toasted Marshmallow” Body wash...

Toasted Marshmallow?!? Seriously?

Tuesday, December 27, 2011

Coffee time

Ahh, I love the smell of Spider-Coffee in the morning...

Wülf Girlz appearing soon in the War of the Independents

A couple of years or so back I “lent out” my Wülf Girlz characters to appear in appear in Dave Ryan’s War of the Independents. Well, Dave has finally gotten past all (or at least most of) the really tough hurdles, and the book is off to a flying start, with the first issue out, the second issue soon to appear and the third issue wit me along as the scripter.

My Girlz will appear in issue four or six (I forget which), but I’m really having a good old time with not only the concept, but with the whole “scripting” part of that last sentence. The Girl;z are already part of a trading card set (published by RZG Comics, and on a poster of an uncut card sheet, very cool stuff.

Pretty cool, eh?

Monday, December 26, 2011

Have yourself a Spider-Little Christmas

Christmas has come and gone; Chanukah has come (and is still here), and yet the Spider-gifts remain...

I have two other sets of Spidey-cups, so now we can have hot coco (or coffee) for 6.

Technically this is a Marvel, rather than a Spider gift, but it still works for me.

Real Superheroes on the Prowl

Presented without comment...

SALT LAKE CITY — Red Voltage and two of his masked crime-fighting colleagues were approaching an intersection here in Utah’s capital on a recent evening, walking night patrol on foot, when a car suddenly slowed next to them. The night was bitterly cold, laced with a wispy stew of fog that might or might not conceal a thousand dangers. The car’s window rolled down.

Read the rest here;

Friday, December 23, 2011

First night of Chanukah gift

We don’t exchange gifts every night of Chanukah, but when we do, it is wonderful.

Watch Sam Raimi's Original Green Goblin FX Test

OK, now this is really cool, follow this link to watch Sam Raimi's Original Green Goblin FX Test.

It is wickedly awesome and makes you wonder why Raimi didn't go with this version of the Goblin Mask instead of the hideous thing that actually wound up in the movie.

This version is so much better.

Ah well.

Thursday, December 22, 2011

Tuesday, December 20, 2011

Wednesday, December 14, 2011

And then there’s this...

Apparently there is a brand  new ad campaign that is occurring in Mozambique, that is being orchestrated by Associação da Luta Contra o Cancer (ALCC) that is using the comic book characters Wonder Woman, Catwoman, She-Hulk, and Storm to promote self-examinations for breast cancer prevention.

The ad copy states:
Nobody’s immune to breast cancer. When we talk about breast cancer there are no women or super women. Everybody has to do self-examination monthly. Fight with us against the enemy and, when in doubt, talk to you doctor.

I just have to wonder if the suits at Marvel  and DC signed off on this campaign.

Monday, December 12, 2011

Subway, digital comics

Talk about being behind the news cycle curve, the other day I stumbled across these four online comics. All four DC Comics were produced in association with Subway restaurants. These comics feature Superman, Green Lantern, and Batman, and other members of the Justice League, as well as several famous athletes who are fans of Subway. In addition to the four eight-pagers (which were apparently inserted into the center of all DC comics back in June), there are two 3D motion comics staring Ryan Howard and CC Sabathia who stand with Green Lantern and the Justice League against the villainous Darkseid.

In the first comic Michael Strathan, Justin Tuck, and Ndamukong Suh help the JLA rescue Aquaman from Black Manta and Ocean Master while in Hawaii to play an exhibition game.

Issue #2 has Carl Edwards and Blake Griffin join the heroes to stop a gorilla invasion lead by Grodd, the intelligent gorilla from Gorilla City, a hidden city in the jungles of Africa.

The third digital comic has Nastia Liukin, Michael Phelps, and Apollo Ohno coming to the aid of Batman who has been set upon by Mr Freeze and Solomon Grundy.

In the the fourth and final comic Laila Ali, and Subway pitchman Jared, Fogle help the JLA during an attack from the Manhunters.

In all four of the digital comics as well as in the two chapters of then motion comic, the athletes are all chowing down on Subway sandwiches and touting the energy boost that such a healthy meal gives them. All of the comics have the various athletes visiting a Subway restaurant and mention specific sandwiches and ingredients by name (Avocados come up as an energy supplement quite a bit).

All-in-all, these comics are lighthearted and fast-pace, as the intent is to deliver an entertaining comic story while plugging the product, which all of them do quite neatly. Perhaps the only plot point which many fans took issue with was in issue #1, where Aquaman was apparently ambushed and knocked unconcious while swimming off Hawaii. Given that Aquaman is not only the DC King of the Seven Seas, he is the strongest while in water, so this seems to be a bit out of character for him.

Still, that aside, the comics are fun, and downloadable/printable from the web. While not part of the original comic run, during December 2011, Subway is offering two of their 6" subs (Cold Cut Combo and Meatball Marinara) for just $2.00 to all patrons as a way of showing their appreciation for their patronage.

These comics, as were the recently released JLA/General Mills comics tend to be collector items for comicbook aficionados. Thankfully, DC & Subway made the comics downloadable and printable so that fans can hang onto a copy for themselves.

Back in July, Subway teamed with DC to produce a series of six lunch bags that tied into the then-released Green Lantern movie.

The 6" $2.00 Subway offer can be found here.

Thursday, December 08, 2011

When superheroes go bad...

Could someone please explain to me why people do this? If you are going to rob a bank, why dress up as Spidey, why not pick a real bad guy, like Doc Doom. or someone? And why does it always seem to be Spidey that they pick?

A man wearing a mask and sweater bearing “Spider-Man” designs robbed a Fort Washington bank Wednesday, police said.
The man entered the BB&T bank branch in the 9400 block of Livingston Road around 3:18 p.m., displayed a handgun and passed a note to a teller demanding money, according to the Prince George’s County police.
I’ve got to tell you that it really irritates me. I really hope that he gets caught and his cellmate has a Green Goblin fetish.

Why so Serious?

Good by, Jerry Robinson...

Wednesday, December 07, 2011

One Hulk, Two Hulk, Green Hulk, Red Hulk Or Wait, Why is the Hulk Red?

With the release of Captain America: New World Order , We — as a comicbook aficionado, historian, journalist, and creator for over 60 years ...