Tuesday, July 05, 2011

Look what I found...

So, I’ve been told that the original reason for having a garage was to park one’s car. Personally, I don’t think I’ve put our cars in our garages for better than 10 or 15 years (ever since that time I packed the van out and took out the side view passenger mirror).

Well, this past weekend my wife and I went out to the garage and spent a solid hour cleaning it out. Not only did we toss a (small) mountain of stuff, but I located a number of comics, books, and that I had been missing, as well as some tools. Now we can actually walk around (a bit), and we feel very good about (the beginnings) or our clean-up process.

Here is one of the books I found.

Next up was several (Spidey) Christmas tree ornaments that I’ve been looking for for several years.


 A sliding Christmas greeting

Have yourself a Spidey Christmas! (I believe that these last two were hand-made. I’ve had them for years, and in fact, they are my first Spidey tree ornaments)

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