Thursday, October 07, 2010

New York ComicCon

Tomorrow is Day One of New York Comic Con I'm going to be there all weekend, set up at the Atlas Unleashed table (Booth #456). We have some wicked-cool comics that we will be selling, and then we'll be hostingthe hotest party of the weekend, the Indie after party at Blaggards! 8 W. 38th Street, Saturday, October 9th.

The Indie After Party promises to be kickin' and I'm really excited to be associated with both it, and Atlas Unleashed. Plus I'm simply besides myself that my characters (The Wulf Girlz) are going to be a part of  the War of the Independents (hey, not only are they in the series, but they even have trading cards TRADING CARDS!)

Oh yeah, I also want you all to look for an indie comic tie-in to the War of the Independents, the comic is called Shadowflame. You can order your copy of the Shadowflame Graphic novel (with a wicked-cool wraparound cover by comic book legend John Byrne) right now (as soon as you are finished reading this blog). The Previews Order code for Shadowflame is GN (SEP10 0773).

No go and buy a ton of 'em all! (Then seek out and purchase the Wulf Girl comic when it comes out later this year.)


AwesomeCloud and family said...

Rick will be there, but I won't. Have a good time!

rjsodaro said...

Hope you had a good time. I did!

One Hulk, Two Hulk, Green Hulk, Red Hulk Or Wait, Why is the Hulk Red?

With the release of Captain America: New World Order , We — as a comicbook aficionado, historian, journalist, and creator for over 60 years ...