This is the place where I discuss all things Sacred and Profane. Stop by and check me out. Leave a comment (or not), as this is done for my own amusement. If you too are entertained, all the better, but that is not the motivation here. For I, am a...Writer with attitude! Comics, Sci Fi, movies, TV, Books, the Internet, Pop Culture, you name it. I talk about all of these things and more. These are the things that entertain me. I can only hope that some of them will entertain you as well.
Wednesday, June 30, 2010
Monday, June 28, 2010
This just in!

Now how cool is that?

More as this develops.
Saturday, June 26, 2010
More from Sketchers

Now, while there is nothing truly spectacular about any of these comics, I do have to say that I am enjoying seeing companies utilize comics to entice and/or reward their customer base.
I think that this is a marketing aspect that is often overlooked and well, should be tapped more often (anyone remember when Marvel used to issue their quarter and annual stock reports in ciomicbook form? Well, while that was certainly the most famous (and ovbious), use of this, it certainly wasn't the first time I had heard of a company doing that.
Still, I couldn’t help but notice that in this story, the “villain” is a creature called The Tangler, who is essentially a sentient, animated shoelace, that unfortunately looks like, well, you look and tell me...

Anyways, in spite of this (admittedly minor) image glitch, I’m solidly behind this Sketcher’s marketing plan, and hope that they continue with it. I know that there are other comics in this series, and I hope to get them all.
Wednesday, June 23, 2010
Iron Man tastes so good!

Thursday, June 17, 2010
My Dr. is an Iron, Man!

Well, yesterday, my son went out to his favorite luncheonette, and purchased lunch along with a drink which turned out to be a Iron Man Dr. Pepper. I managed to rescue the can from being tossed, cleaned it and well, now it is here with my stuff.
Thanks Dylan
Wednesday, June 16, 2010
The War of the Independents grows ever closer

Dave has been working on this series for a couple of years, and I was one of the first folks to sign up (at least that’s what I recall), and I’ve been looking forward to this for — well quite some time — and I plan on being there at the NY ComicCon when Dave launches it.
I also plan on backing the launch by putting my own money where my mouth is, and I strongly urge you all to do like wise, so please, follow the link to the KickStarter proposal page and do likewise!

Monday, June 14, 2010
More free funnybooks

It would be interesting to see if this marketing strategy works, which would be very cool, as it would entice back a younger audience to reading comicbooks, which would (I believe) ultimately benefit the industry, as it would bring back a younger audience, which would (eventually) lead to new blood coming in, and then to these younger kids moving up to older books.
I also think that comics targeted to girls is always a good idea, as there is no reason that comics should be such a boy-dominated industry. Needless to say, once I read the book (which should be as soon as I catch up with my “regular” reading, I fully intend to do.
Friday, June 11, 2010
Spidey-Man, Spidey-Man...

I really like it — in spite of the fact that it is “only” in B&W — (and she did another sketch for someone else that was inked and in full color).
Anyway, I really do like it, and eventually, I’m really going to get around to tell you all how much I liked her comic Rasgal, which is published by Immortal Gothic, which also publishes Am I Immortal.
Thursday, June 10, 2010
I just recently read Web of Spider-Man #8, and I have a huge issue with a small portion of the storyline. I already sent a version of this post off as a missive off to the Spider-office, but as I'm reasonably certain that it probably won't see print, I wanted to share it here.
The specific sceen to which I’m referring is a one page bit that happens very early on in the story, before the main action, and does not in any way reveal anything of substance from the story itself, so you should be able to read this post without it ruining the overall story, if you haven’t already read it:
Dear Spider-Writers:
I have something of an on-going gripe (yeah, who would have seen that coming, eh?) with the first story in Web of Spider-Man #8.

The Rep asks Pete about his use of “Word” “Excel” and “PowerPoint” (Microsoft’s word processing, spreadsheet, and slide generating programs) and Pete (apparently) hasn’t a clue as to what she is talking about. Really? You expect us to buy this drivel? Who do you think we are? I mean, seriously?
You want me to accept that when I was 7 Pete was 15, and now he is 20something and I am, well, much older. Fine, I’m good with that. You want me to believe that he was bitten by a radioactive spider and put on spandex to fight crime? I’m totally there. You want me to accept that he pals around with Norse gods, mutants, un-frozen WWII Super soldiers, and other assorted super-friends, you bet! The he married, er, lived with a supermodel? Abso-posa-lutely!
But now you want me to swallow that he doesn’t know the three most basic computer software programs that have been bundled with virtually every PC for like 20 years or better? Sorry, I’m just not buying it. Yeah, yeah I know that Pete can sometimes be something of a lunkhead (especially in social situations, mostly because he is a science nerd), but that’s my point entirely. HE’S A SCIENCE NERD!
At 15 he developed the unique polymer fluid that became his web fluid, as well as the means to dispense it (in multiple formats). He designed an electronic device that reacted to his Spider-sense (During Civil War there is a scene where Hank Pym is astounded that Pete built the tracer when he was 15, and states that — even by Pym’s standards — Pete is wicked smarter than him). Pete went on to graduate high school with top honors, get into ESU (on a full ride?), and go on to graduate school. Then work with and become employed by a number of scientists and hi-tech firms (including, but not limited to Dr. Connors, Reed Richards, and no less than Tony Stark himself).

Sure, sure is a superhero and a photographer, but he’s also worked in a newspaper and around journalists, scientists, and engineers for 10 years or better. So you can tell me that he doesn’t know how to use a washing machine, an iron, or even a lawn mower, but please don’t try to insult my intelligence and tell me he doesn’t know (the simplest of) Microsoft programs. That really is just too much of a stretch!
Monday, June 07, 2010
Tony’s Tips

Click over to Tony’s site and check out what he has to say, part of which is...
“Not that anyone asked me, but it defies my willing suspension of disbelief that Peter Parker, this genius of both photography and science, can't earn even a moderately decent living. Way back in the day, when Jim Salicrup was the Spider-editor, I pitched an idea for Peter to become a Bugle science-writer. This would have made use of both his great talents, allowed for amusing moments as the guy struggled to learn how to write, and allowed for his Aunt May to feel some pride/relief her nephew hadn't completely wasted his potential and his years in college.”Tony is a wise and brilliant man, and well, if some of the current Spider-writers can't figure out how to properly write the title, I suggest that Spider-management contact Tony, as that’s really the best idea I’ve heard in reference to the basis for a Spidey storyline since, well the beginning of BND.
Friday, June 04, 2010
Frank Miller goes back to the well

Frank Miller and the filmmakers behind "300" are looking for a return to the battlefields of antiquity -- and, no doubt, to the arenas of pop-culture controversy.Three years ago, the sword-and-sandal adventure "300" became a surprise sensation with moviegoers -- it set box-office records for a March release and became the highest-grossing R-rated film of 2007 -- and delivered career breakthroughs for actor Gerard Butler and director Zack Snyder. But the movie, which was based on the comic books written and drawn by Miller, also triggered an unlikely international incident with its portrayal of the Persian leader Xerxes the bloody Battle of Thermopylae in 480 B.C.
The article goes on to say that the depiction of “Xerxes as as leering and androgynous and the Persian army as a demonic horde” and seemed to irritate Iranian President Mahmoud Ahmadinejad concerns me not at all. Does that make me a racist or bad? Perhaps, but again, I care not at all. For my part, I’ll start caring about Ahmadinejad when he starts caring about his people (and/or denouncing the Holocaust).
In the meantime, I'm looking forward to the Dark Horse comic (due out next year), and he can go piss up a rope.
Action Figures
Thursday, June 03, 2010
Tuesday, June 01, 2010
One Hulk, Two Hulk, Green Hulk, Red Hulk Or Wait, Why is the Hulk Red?
With the release of Captain America: New World Order , We — as a comicbook aficionado, historian, journalist, and creator for over 60 years ...

With the release of Captain America: New World Order , We — as a comicbook aficionado, historian, journalist, and creator for over 60 years ...
This was just passed along to me, and I was asked to share it: Dana Crumb passed away last night in Ukiah Hospital in Ukiah, CA after an...
Back in 2006 is when I first met Matt C. Ryan ( Bigger ). Then in 2006 he illustrated the first chapter of my Wűlf Girlz storyline. We went ...