Tuesday, February 23, 2010

OK, now THAT’S seriously Super!

This just in, Action Comics #1 (the first appearance of Superman), has just been reported as having been sold for $1,000,000.00. Yep, that’s one million dollars. How cool is that?

A copy of the first comic book featuring Superman, considered the holy grail of comic collecting, sold for $1 million US on Monday.

The sale, on auction site ComicConnect.com, set a record for a comic sale. The previous record was estimated at just over $400,000 US.

The buyer Monday was a New York-based collector, according to a ComicConnect.com spokesman.

Action Comics #1 (which originally sold for 10¢ in 1938) sold for $317,000.00, just last year. Though ther had been comicbooks prior to the publication of this comic, the comic is generally credited with kicking off the comicbook revolution, and spawned thousands of imitators and knockoffs.

I guess the recession is officially over, eh?

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