So now I have ASM (V2) #s 19, 22, & 25. This means that I am only missing three issues of ASM to complete my full run of this series.
Seriously, how cool is that?
This is the place where I discuss all things Sacred and Profane. Stop by and check me out. Leave a comment (or not), as this is done for my own amusement. If you too are entertained, all the better, but that is not the motivation here. For I, am a...Writer with attitude! Comics, Sci Fi, movies, TV, Books, the Internet, Pop Culture, you name it. I talk about all of these things and more. These are the things that entertain me. I can only hope that some of them will entertain you as well.
Tristan Kelley, of Stamford, dresses at Captain America as he joins the Greenwich-Stamford and Ridgefield chapters of Tea Party Patriots during a rally outside of the Ferguson Library in Stamford, Conn. on Saturday, Feb. 20, 2010. Photo: Kathleen O'Rourke / Stamford Advocate |
Action Comics #1 (which originally sold for 10¢ in 1938) sold for $317,000.00, just last year. Though ther had been comicbooks prior to the publication of this comic, the comic is generally credited with kicking off the comicbook revolution, and spawned thousands of imitators and knockoffs.A copy of the first comic book featuring Superman, considered the holy grail of comic collecting, sold for $1 million US on Monday.
The sale, on auction site ComicConnect.com, set a record for a comic sale. The previous record was estimated at just over $400,000 US.
The buyer Monday was a New York-based collector, according to a ComicConnect.com spokesman.
As human civilizations crumble, Valkyries prepare for Ragnarok by using DNA testing to select perfect warriors for their army of the dead. Resurrected NorseCODE operative Mist loses faith in the project after a tragic accident, and she goes AWOL. After Mist encounters the near-forgotten god Hermod as he investigates portents of doom along the California coastline, the two journey into the afterlife of Helheim, where they make some unexpected allies. With deities scheming and ancient prophecies coming true, can a reluctant Valkyrie and a world-weary god prevent the apocalypse?
As many of you already know -- because Tweets travel faster than airplanes -- Kevin Smith, the portly film director of the movie "Clerks" and the upcoming film "Cop Out," was "politely" asked to disembark from his Southwest flight from Oakland to Burbank because he was too large to fit in the seat.
Okay, let's be frank: He was kicked off the flight. The reason he was given was that his size infringed upon the space of the person sitting next to him and it could cause a safety risk in case of an emergency.
Smith — the Red Bank-born director known for his "Silent Bob" character in "Clerks" — unleashed a barrage of more than 200 Twitter posts and produced a lengthy podcast slamming Southwest for kicking him off the plane for being too obese to fit in his seat.
"I’m way fat, but I’m not there just yet," Smith twittered.
The U.S. Attorney described Handley in his sentencing brief in a way that could probably describe many manga fans. “His primary means of social interaction with others has not been involvement in the community, but has been playing online role-playing games,” the brief said of Handley. “Mr. Handley recognizes that these hobbies have been a compulsion, causing him to incur ‘significant debt from buying various Japanese art forms’ and ‘upgrading his computer system.’” The sentencing brief also described the results of a psychological exam of Handley.
The prosecution’s sentencing brief also listed the seven manga that were in the package intercepted by the postal inspector:
• Book 1) “unfinished school girl” (presented by TAMACHI YUKI) (LE Comics);
• Book 2) “I ! DOLL” (MAKAFUSIGI presents) (Seraphim Comics);
• Book 3) “for ESSENTIAL 3" (THE ANIMAL SEX ANTHOLOGY Vol.3) (Izumi Comics);
• Book 4) “NEKOGEN, Neighboring House Family” (MD Comics);
• Book 5) ISBN4-89465-172-6 (No English language title found) (Seraphim Comics);
• Book 6) ISBN4-89465-222-6 (No English language title found) (Seraphim Comics); and
• Book 7) ISBN4-89465-193-9 (No English language title found) (Seraphim Comics).
Sony made the release date official today, and added that the film will debut in 3-D when it premieres. Production on the project, which has yet to name an actor for the lead role, is expected to begin later this year. The studio announcement also indicated that the film's title hasn't been finalized yet — though we're pretty sure the name "Spider-Man" will be in there somewhere.Still, the part of this report that I find interesting is that it indicates that no one has been chosen to replace Toby Maguire, yet a week or so back we read (and posted) a report that had named actor Zac Efron as being set to step into Spidey’s web. So, who knows what the real word is in this matter.
In issue No. 602 of Captain America, the hero and his ally the Falcon find themselves at a rally where protesters hold signs that read “Tea Bag the Libs Before They Tea Bag You!” and “Stop the Socialists!” Captain America remarks that the assembly appears to be an “anti-tax thing,” and the Falcon, who is black, says he probably would not fit in with “a bunch of angry white folks.”
The sequence incited complaints from Tea Party officials who say it is an unfair criticism of their movement. In an interview with FoxNews.com, Michael Johns, a board member of the Nationwide Tea Party Coalition, called the characters’ apparent jabs “juvenile,” adding: “The Tea Party movement has been very reflective of broad concerns of all Americans. Membership is across ethnic, religious and even political lines.”
Kellogg Co. has stopped shipping cereal boxes with Spider-Man 2 premiums to Connecticut under pressure from the state's attorney general.
The Spidey-Signal toys have mercury batteries, which are illegal under Connecticut's Mercury Reduction Act and the Child Protection Act. Kellogg also stopped shipments to New Hampshire to comply with that state's environmental laws. Packages already on-shelf are being replaced now, says Kellogg spokesperson Celeste Clark.
With the release of Captain America: New World Order , We — as a comicbook aficionado, historian, journalist, and creator for over 60 years ...