Sunday, September 27, 2009

You say it (was) my birthday...

Yeah, well, a week or two back it was my birthday, and as usual, I received some more Spidey stuff.

First up, is the obligatory Spidey card (this one in shimmering 3D)

Then, so I have something to do, a Spidey Activity book:

And last but not at all least, I got a brand new Spidey-bop bag:

I actually already have one of these, but the one I have is probably 20+ years old, and packed away somewhere.

Oh yeah, I also got some Shiny Spidey Stickers.

Then, for myself,I went to my local comicbook shop, and scored a pile of Spidey back issues that I was missing. I'm currently only missing two comics from the original run (#s 431 & 436) and 18 from the (short-lived) reboot (all from the lower numbers).

How good it is to be me, eh?


Tommy said...

Rawr! Happy Belated BDay! I still haven't shared pics of my cake this year, though I need to find out if they were lost or not.

Tommy said...

Oh, and bonus points if you tape Joe Quesada's head to the bop bag.

rjsodaro said...

I’ll have to do that, snap a pic. and post it.

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With the release of Captain America: New World Order , We — as a comicbook aficionado, historian, journalist, and creator for over 60 years ...