So over the past couple of months or so I’ve been reading comics (duh) and, well, there are a few that I’d like to talk about for a bit:

First up, I’d like to talk about a couple of IDW comics that I really enjoyed.
Grimjack: The Manx Cat is not only the revival of the First Comics character, Grimjack (as penned by his co-creators, John Ostrander & Timothy Truman). To those who know, Grimjack is the street name of John Gaunt, a sword-for-hire, ex-paramilitary, war veteran and ex-child gladiator. He operates from Munden’s Bar in the Pit, a slum area of Cynosure, a pan-dimensional city to which all dimensions connect.
Well, this issue marks the first appearance of Grimjack under the IDW banner in a deal that was cut with ComicMix to co-publish some comic titles. Perhaps the best part of this story is that it jumps right in to the tale without wasting much time explaining who John Gaunt or the people who swirl around him are. Ostrander jumps right in and delivers a ripping yarn that harkens back to the glory days of the series.
As it turns out, Grimjack is hired to steal back a stolen bit of merchandise, only his task isn’t as simple as it sounds at first. Needless to say, it is a thoroughly entertaining tale. I highly recommend that you pick up a copy. this stuff is classic.

Another fun comic is
Hero Comics, a compilation of short stories that was assembled by the folks at
The Hero Initiative. This very cool comic delivers a pile of very cool stuff, including a new Howard Chaykin American Flagg, alongside the works of Gene Colan, Bill Willingham, Gene Ha, William Messner Loebs and others.
The Proceeds of which go towards The Hero Initiative which is the first-ever federally chartered not-for-profit corporation that is dedicated strictly to helping comicbook creators in need. The fund helps creates a financial safety net for the creators of yesterdays who may need emergency medical aid, financial support for essentials of life, and an avenue back into paying work. It’s a chance for all of us who enjoy this industry to give back something to the people who have given us so much enjoyment.
There are two different covers for this issue, one by Matt Wagner (Grendel), and a second by J. Scott Campbell (Eve).

Next up, I discovered
Days Missing (Archaia) is based on a concept by a Roddenberry executive named Trevor Roth, and tells the stories of a mysterious being known only as “The Steward” who has the ability to literally “fold” the days of time that he has allowed him to secretly remove critical days from our shared history in order that he has forever changed the course of mankind.
I’ll be honest with you, what first attracted me to this title was it’s 99¢ price tag. Yep, that’s right, the initial issue was under a buck, and hey, I just can’t pass up a deal like that. Needless to say, even a cheap price cover price won’t keep me around if the story or art blows. Needless to say,
Days Missing was absolutely riveting right from get-go. Phil Hester’s script is wonderful, and truly sucked me right in from the first page, and I can’t say that about many comics I read these days.
I’m strongly urging you all to rush out and pick up this book. You’ll thank me.

This month also marks the return of
Vampirella, once again from Harris Comics. This is the first issue of a four-issue mini that re-launches the character for the new millennium. I’ll be honest with you, I was never a real big fan of this character, but I will say that this re-launch looks certainly interesting, and (to be sure), I gave it a look because my good Friend Mark Mazz had a hand in the Harris version of this character during the ’90s.
While Mark didn’t have anything to do with this version, I figured that I’d give it a look and see what was up. I’m only one issue in, so I’ll have to see where it goes from here.

Another 99¢ book that I recently picked up was Mark Waid’s
Irredeemable (
Boom!) The story is good enough (although I am a bit lost as I’m set in the middle of an on-going story), the concept of putting a comic on the stands for a lost-leader purchase price, is still a great idea.
The story was fun and I’m considering checking out some of the other issues.
Well, now it is time for me to move on, and look at some other other stuff, now that this pile is off my desk.
Have fun kids.