Thursday, March 26, 2009

Indie comics everywhere you look!

A while back I brought your collective attentions to the most-excellent work of my good buddy Carl Herring, Jr. and his very enjoyable comic The Enforcers. Well, Wouldn’t you know it but Carl has brought out a sequel in the form of Crime Wave. A shoot-em-up cop story. I have to tell you that I am totally jealous of Carl, as not only has he produced a very readable crime comic, but he has managed to attract some extremely talented people to illustrate it for him. (including a Norm Breyfogle cover, Scott Ambruson, Chris Torres, and Ed Traquino on the interior art).

I’m telling you that this stuff is fun as it tells us the stories of a group of cops as they do the job for which they are paid. This issue contains three stories, giving us a fairly decent range of stories and characterization. I especially love, Safe House, but I’ll admit that I’m biased towards the fabulous painted work of my pal Chris Torres (who wonderfully rendered my own Agent Unknown story about Springload & Renegade in CAG #7, and is — as I understand it — currently working on the follow-up S&L story which is slated to appear under the newly-formed Atlas Unleashed logo).

But this review is about Carl’s comic, not mine, and from the look of things, Carl is going to have some more very interesting product coming out in the coming months. Personally, I can hardly wait.

As long as I’m talking about friends of mine, and promorting their comics, I figure I’ll give mention to The other Son by Trevor Saxon and my pal Paul London. Paul passed this over to me at the NYC Comic Con and the full-sized promo comic delivers some very detailed pencils of the upcoming comic. Delivering on some religious themes this story relates the tale of angels and demons as they struggle with their other-worldly heritage. The comic offers us a brief glimpse of the story itself along with several pages of character illustrations and bios.

From what I saw in this comic it looks very interesting, and leaves me wanting more. So Paul, when do we get to see the rest?

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