Thursday, January 01, 2009

Happy Belkis Year!

I’m officially declaring this the year of Belkis, as you all know she graces not only the cover, but each and every page of the NovaStar Studios Fantasy Illustrated Calendar. The (unfortunately slightly pixelated) image to the left is the first image of Belkis that greets you at the opening of the new year. It was drawn by by good buddy (and fellow CAGer) Keith Murphey.

If you still haven't purchased a calendar for 2009 (and even if you did), then you should hurry on over to James Rodriguez’s web page and snag yourself one of these beautiful calendars. For all of you who are too cheap to buy one who haven bought one as of yet, I’ll be posting the facing page for the rest of the year. I hope you all enjoy looking at Belkis as much as do I.


Tommy said...

I already did the slobbering on the screen, so I suppose there's the Austin Powers, "!" joke...

Anyways, very sexy image!

Sol (Frederick) Badguy said...

No bra? This give it the feel of an image comic publication where they allow nipples to slip with all ease, except that there's no nipple in this sketch.

Doesn't change the fact that she's naked. Bad woman, learn the value of clothes

rjsodaro said...

“Some people are bad for a little while...

...I’m going to be bad for good”

—Meatloaf (Bat out of Hell)

Reggie White Jr. said...

Belkis is hot. I like hot. That is all.

rjsodaro said...

Belkis is totally hot, and I saw her first!

Sol (Frederick) Badguy said...

How do you know she's hot? You took her temperature?

I know what hot means, just walk with the joke

rjsodaro said...

I too, get the joke, and for the record, yes, I did take her temperature; recreationaly. (wink, wink, nudge, nudge)

One Hulk, Two Hulk, Green Hulk, Red Hulk Or Wait, Why is the Hulk Red?

With the release of Captain America: New World Order , We — as a comicbook aficionado, historian, journalist, and creator for over 60 years ...