I belong to a networking group called
The Comicbook Artists Guild (
CAG). I have been a part of this organization for three, or four years. I was first invited to join the group by my good Friend Mark Mazz. Mark set up a meeting between me and co-founder and current president Keith Murphey. I have since gone on to work with both Mark and Keith to actively promote the group at conventions and to various media outlets, as well as producing three newsletters for the group which have been handed out at conventions across the country. I was also privileged to relaunch my signature series,
Agent Unknown in
CAG #7.
Networking is really the only way those of us struggling to get in can hope to survive. Take my pal
Chris Buchner. I first “met” Chris while we were both on
SpiderFan, and when I realized that he was local to me (he’s NY, I’m CT). I brought Chris over to CAG and then, once I was invited to contribute to
The Official Index to the Marvel Universe, I was able to get the invitation extended over to Chris, who is now contributing as well.

When my Pal and fellow CAGer, Carl Herring needed an inker for his self-published comic,
The Enforcers, I was able to hook him up with another friend,
Chris Torris (who painted my re-launch of Agent Unknown).
When CAG-pal James Rodriguez, was producing a 2009 art calender with a bunch of other CAGers and the very lovely and talented Belkis, I lent him a hand in the production and editorial phase of the project. (You can still buy this calendar, it is not only spotlighted here on this blog, but if you
reach out to James, he’d be very happy to sell you one of your very own.)
So, now in the same vein as all of that I want to direct you to a trio of other online pals-o-mine, first up is the
CAG web comic page. It is hosted on Drunk Duck, and you will find a bunch of CAG writers and artists assembling an impressive array of online comics. Go there, bookmark the page and then go back to see what we put up there over the coming year. I promise you that it will be very cool.
Now that I’m on the subject of web comics, I want you to head over to
Rusty Haller’s page and discover the very entertaining Ace & Queenie; an anthropomorphic action/adventure spy series that he has been producing for
Furrlough Comics for over four years (generating over 150 pages of printed art). About 2 years ago, Rusty brought his unique creation
to the web where they can be seen in a new storyline.

If his name sounds familiar, it is because he is a cartoonist with quite an impressive history in the print world. His first published work was back in the late ‘80s for a small CT-based publisher,
Spotlight Comics. From there Rusty managed to score a gig at Marvel’s line of Star Comics working on such titles as
Danger Mouse,
Count Duckula,
Heathcliff, and
Alf, as well as producing some illustrations for
Marvel Age. Over at DC he worked on
Tiny Toons Adventures,
Looney Tunes, and
Animaniacks. In addition to this, he worked on various
Flintstones and
Harvey titles for
Archie Comics.
Another site I want you to bookmark is
BelkisNYC: Marketing for the Creative Soul. This is the site of Belkis’ very cool and very knowledgeable marketing blog. (Hey I told you she was not only drop dead gorgeous, but wicked intelligent as well!) Currently there are only about a dozen posts, but I’m telling you that I’m already finding it invaluable.
These folks are all good friends of mine, and I want you to treat them well.
Whups, almost forgot...

Hell’s Blood is the creation of another CAG-buddy,
Hector Rodriguez. This past Saturday (yesterday), CAG held it’s second annual mixer here in CT (in my old stomping grounds of Fairfield), and we held a Yankee Swap Gift Party. I donated a copy of Comic Values 2008 (of which I’m the features editor), and in return I wound up with a Hell’s Blood T-Shirt. A very cool gift indeed, as I’m currently in talks with Hector to team up his character and my very own
Wülf Girlz, as well as the possibility of me colaborating on future issues of Hells’ Blood itself.
Now how cool is that?