Thursday, December 05, 2024

The Tale of the Multieyed Lady

So, lately we’ve been on something of a Kickstarter journey, in that we’ve discovered and backed several over the past year. While backing Kickstarter comics can be something of a mixed bag, we’ve been generally pleased with the comics we’ve acquired. To be sure. Most of the comics that we’ve backed were by creators known to us, every once in a while we come across a creator and comic that completely surprises us. Such is the case with The Multi-Eyed Lady. This eight-page B&W comic is about a young girl and her friends who rises to save their town.

The comic was created by Juan Espinosa’s 10 year old daughter, Grace. Juan Espinosa is the founder of Bearded Man Comics and creator of a number of comics, including Adventures of a System Admin, Hackerstrip, and El Galipote. Grace is his fifth grader daughter who is also passionate about comics, so much so that she determined to write her own, hence the birth of The Multi-Eyed Lady, which she produced with the help of Topan Prakasa who illustrated the comic.

The Multi-Eyed Lady is a superhero story centered around a diverse team of heroes which is led by Guadalupe, who has the ability to see everything around her the Multi-Eyed Lady and Sir Strong, her husband, James, who — as his name implies — has super strength. The pair are joined by Alan, their tech-savvy partner, who performs Overwatch duties for the team. May, a very skilled tracker, Edgar their weapons expert, and Mary who is an accomplished spy. Together they fight against the criminals in their neighborhood, one of them who is the evil Witch Maya. As it turns out, Maya, is May’s sister. Unfortunately, Maya has become corrupted by greed and power and turned against her sister.

The comic’s story begins with Guadalupe and James reflecting on their double lives as both a married couple with friends and families as well as superheroes. From there we are introduced to Alan who has created a device that will allow the team to be alerted to crimes and to track Maya’s malicious activities. As stated, this initial comic of Grace’s is a B&W 8 pager. The comic itself highlights themes of friendship and loyalty, while showing all the abilities and personalities of each team member.

The story, though simple, is well told, and the art is clean and crisp, rendering a fine first effort for Grace and Topan. For our own part, we stumbled across the Kickstarter completely by accident and was so tickled by the concept of a fifth, grader producing her own comic that we felt compelled to back the project. Having received the comic, we are very happy that we did, as it was a pure delight to read. As can be expected, the comic (the story of which is wrapped up in this initial issue) is the first installment of a longer, ongoing series. We certainly hope Grace experiences enough success with this first issue to continue her foray into the world of indie comics.

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