Wednesday, August 17, 2022

Romance is in the air!

So here I am, Some 40+ years writing professionally and I'm — quite honestly — having perhaps one of the best years ever. I have several projects in print, as well as several more awaiting publication. 

This past week I just finished off laying out a book project for a new client, and am starting on the layout of a magazine for one of my longest-running clients. I have three prose short stories out for publication, five comicbook scripts in various stages of production. I'm getting set to launch a comicbook Kickstarter with a new publisher, as well as brand new offer to script a one-shot (with the possibility of sequels). 

Still, none of that is what I really want to write about today. As of the 1th of this month (just two days ago as I type this, 8/15/22) I'll have my third (yes, third) prose short story out in print with Writers Unite (a Facebook group to which I belong). The anthology Writers Unite: Dimensions of Love, is a two volume set of short stories.

My story, entitled The Way Back appears in the second volume of the set, and I'm very excited to have it appear in this set as penning a romance story is so far outside the type of writing I've been doing for the past four decades. 

Over the years I've written ad copy for radio, print, direct mail, and the web; I've written marketing material as well as technical and procedure manuals. I've worked as a journalist, done hundreds of interviews, written reviews of films, books, comics and more. Still. This romance story is honestly one of the coolest things I've ever written. Hopefully others will enjoy not just my story, but the full run of stories in the series.

The anthology is available on Amazon in both print and ebook editions, the links for both editions are below. (The links will lead to both version of each volume.)

Writers Unite: Dimensions of Romance, Volume One:

Writers Unite: Dimensions of Romance, Volume Two!%20Anthologies%20Dimensions%20of%20Love%20Volume%20two&qid=1660659890&s=books&sprefix=writers%20unite%20anthologies%20dimensions%20of%20love%20volume%20two%2Cstripbooks%2C52&sr=1-1&fbclid=IwAR1bcj5sJ17_tNeMiPp-7w61oE8acP7UzZmjtoE82khV4e7CPGTcqp0j58w

As an aside, a second romance story of mine has been posted online over here:

Thursday, August 11, 2022

John Romita, Sr, Gerry Conway, Spider-Man, Gwen Stacy, & Me!

So here is a bit of my own personal history in comics.

Back in 1973 (when I was just a mere lad of 18) I attended my first or second NY Comic Con. For context this was shortly after the release of Amazing Spider-Man #121 when Gwen Stacy died at the hands of the Green Goblin. While at the show, I wandered into the Pro room to find to John Romita (Sr.) doing sketches and signing autographs. (No lines, no charge, just JRSR sitting at a table signing for the kids.) 

While wearing my über-cool Spidey T-shirt (with art by JRSR), I eagerly held out my convention book. For John to sign. Looking up from his last drawing, he spotted my shirt, smiled and reached out past a couple of other fans, for my book and asked who I would like for him to illustrate for me. "Gwen Stacy." I said. 

"I can only draw her head," He replied.

"OK, that's fine with me." I responded.

So he drew her face. Upon completing the sketch and autographing it, I reached for my program book, to take it back, only John wasn't quite done with it. He then drew a big word balloon, and wrote "You did it Gerry C.!" And then handed back to me.

I laughed at the cool moment. (Remember, Gerry Conway was the writer who famously wrote the story in issue #121 of Amazing Spider-Man where she died.)

About an hour or so later, I was back in the pro room to see who else I could get an autograph from, and lo and behold who was there, but none other than Gerry Conway himself. Knowing I simply couldn't pass this moment up, I turned to John's autograph in my program booklet, and handed it to Gerry as I asked for his autograph. 

"Sure kid," He said taking the booklet from me. Then when he noticed the page he was asked to sign, he did a double take and laughed, then he too autographed the page, adding "Yeah, and I'm glad I did!"

Needless to say, this was an even cooler moment for me. 

I still have that booklet with both autographs in it. 

A week or so back I attended TerrifiCon at the Mohegan Sun Casino in Uncasville, CT. where Gerry Conway was one of the guests. I hadn't crossed paths with Gerry in nearly 50 years, but I again couldn't pass up this moment. I went up to his table and said. "Gerry, you certainly don't remember me, but I hope you remember this." And I showed him the photo of the page from that old convention book that was on my phone.

"I absolutely do remember that!" he exclaimed, then he asked if he could take a picture of it off my phone, which I agreed to letting him do. I then got to chat with him for a few minutes to tell him how much I always enjoyed his writing.

A little later in the show John Romita, Jr showed up to sign autographs for the fans, and I — once again — wanted to share my 50-year-old story. So I approached JRJR's table and got his attention, saying "50 years ago I got your father's and Gerry Conway's autograph, and this is how they signed my book." showing him the photo on my phone.

As can be expected, JRJR also loved the story, and I entreated him to also take a picture of my phone and send it to his father (who had never seen the response autograph that Gerry had gifted me with.) Which JRJR did. 

To both of them I then related the story how, when I showed up to see the 2nd Andrew McCarthy Spider-Man film my friend, Shawn, who worked at the theater, told me "You're gonna hate this film." To which I replied, "Why, because Gwen dies in it?"

Have you already seen the film?" he asked. 

"No." I said, "She died when I was 18 and I'm still not over it!"

Here now is that autograph that JRSR and Gerry did for me back in 1973, when I was 18.

Honestly, it is probably the coolest thing I own.

One Hulk, Two Hulk, Green Hulk, Red Hulk Or Wait, Why is the Hulk Red?

With the release of Captain America: New World Order , We — as a comicbook aficionado, historian, journalist, and creator for over 60 years ...