As anyone who regularly follows me on my blog here already knows. I've been writing professionally for several years. Initially as a journalist (mostly in the field of comicbooks), then as a reviewer (comics, movies and other pop culture events), and (more recently) as an author (yes, in comics). All of that has changed even more recently when a prose story of mine was accepted for publication in an anthology.
You see, a short while back a Facebook friend of mine got me hooked up with a writes' group on Facebook, and contributed a short story to a proposed anthology from the group. Well, as it turns out, my story was accepted and not I can announce that the two-volume set will be released on Amazon.
The ebook versions are available for pre-order as of April 20th, while the print versions will be available on April 30th.
The link for Volume One is:
My short story, "Ghost Dance" appears in vol. #2
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