Monday, April 19, 2021

Dimension of the Wild West

As anyone who regularly follows me on my blog here already knows. I've been writing professionally for several years. Initially as a journalist (mostly in the field of comicbooks), then as a reviewer (comics, movies and other pop culture events), and (more recently) as an author (yes, in comics). All of that has changed even more recently when a prose story of mine was accepted for publication in an anthology.

You see, a short while back a Facebook friend of mine got me hooked up with a writes' group on Facebook, and contributed a short story to a proposed anthology from the group. Well, as it turns out, my story was accepted and not I can announce that the two-volume set will be released on Amazon.

The ebook versions are available for pre-order as of April 20th, while the print versions will be available on April 30th.

The link for Volume One is:

The link for Volume Two is:  

My short story, "Ghost Dance" appears in vol. #2

Here is my bio page that appears in both volumes.

One Hulk, Two Hulk, Green Hulk, Red Hulk Or Wait, Why is the Hulk Red?

With the release of Captain America: New World Order , We — as a comicbook aficionado, historian, journalist, and creator for over 60 years ...