Friday, January 01, 2021

I'm Stan Lee, and you're not! Stan Lee's How to Draw Superheroes

For those of you too young to get the subtle joke behind the title of this particular post, it should be read in your best Chevy Chase voice. 

The reason I get to say this is that bask in 2011, my good friend, David Campiti, passed my name along to the folks over at Dynamite Entertainment, as someone who would be able to contribute to the company’s third volume of Stan Lee books (the first two were Stan Lee’s How to Draw Comics and Stan Lee’s How to Write Comics). The book to which I contributed four chapters, was entitled, Stan Lee’s How to Draw Superheroes, and it came out in 2012; published by Penguin/Random House

Then in June of 2016 I received the opportunity to contribute to contribute to yet a fourth book, Stan Lee’s Master Class, where I penned another four chapters. That book went on sale ion Nov 26, 2019.  

Finally, in Dec. of 2020 I (finally) reached out to Penguin/Random House and arranged to received my comp copies of Master Class. Surprisingly they also sent me additional comp copies of How to Draw Superheroes. Further, I was also able to purchase (at a discount) supplementary copies of both books (which hopefully will arrive soon.

After some 30+ years of professional writing I’ve achieved some level of professional achievements, and feel that my being able to contribute to both of these books ostensibly “written” by the man who’s writing  — quite literally — got me into comics in the first place, was one of the coolest projects to which I’ve ever contributed. 


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