Friday, March 02, 2018

The Death of Captain Mar-Vell

So, we have just recently learned that Marvel’s film Captain Marvel — staring Brie Larson — is duethe seventh Captain Marvel (she was previously known as Ms. Marvel) in the comics, the film ignores all of that and puts Larson/Danvers as the first and only Captain.
to drop March 19, 2019.

This film deals with Captain Carol Danvers becomes Captain Marvel. Well, as we in the funnybook world know, while Carol Danvers was actually

Yes, yes, we totally understand that there are differences between the Marvel Comicbook Universe and the Marvel Cinematic Universe are different (oh Hell, we’ve been reading Marvel Comics for most of our life, and understand that there are differences in the comicbooks themselves.) Thing is, we know the original Captain Marvel, and we remember when he died.

In fact, we wrote about it at the time in the landmark issue of Comics Collector, at the time, and still to this day, feel that it was one of the most emotional and well-written graphic novels we ever read.

Here is the article that I wrote at that time. (the article was reprinted on Bleeding Cool back on November 17, 2013)

1 comment:

Captain Zorikh said...

Wait, so Jude Law is not going to be playing Mar-Vell?

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With the release of Captain America: New World Order , We — as a comicbook aficionado, historian, journalist, and creator for over 60 years ...