Saturday, May 12, 2012

Saturday in the Bronx

Today I'm spending the day attending my buddy, Ray Felix's third annual Bronx Hero Con (held at the Bronx Museum).

While here, I donated a pint of blood (yes, MY blood) to NY Blood Center (I have previously given some 16 gallons to the Red Cross).

We're having a good time so you should come on down and have a good time with us. Right now I'm sitting next to my old buddy John A. Wilcox.

The place is hopping with all sorts of funnybook celebrities, and folks of interest, from Jim Salcrup (Papercutz) to J.M DeSantis, and Mark Mazz (Atlas Unleashed).

the place is packed, and there are great panels, workshops and much, much more. So stop what you are doing and come on by to help us celebrate the arts here at the Bronx Museum.

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