Tuesday, April 03, 2012

Tales from the Attic...

This post has been slightly amended to reflect a couple of minor corrections to the narrative.

We are huge fans of “Grim” Jim Main, not just because he is a heck of a nice guy (and one of the few folk in fandom who’s actually older than your humble host), but because he has consistently put out some wicked-cool comics and fan publications.

Truthfully, we’ve known Jim for some 30 +/- years (back then he was still older than me, and grumpier too). Jim worked in a comic shop and was publishing fanzines and stuff (he was the original creator of a very cool fanzine entitled Fandom Feature, (which we understand was taken over by a pair of associates, repackaged and eventually sold to Krause Publications to become Comics Collector magazine). for most of those years he continued to publish Indie comics, and comic-related mags.

We re-connected with Jimbo back in 2010, and almost immediately began  submitting comic scripts to him — which he almost immediately began publishing. Since the Fall of 2010 Jim has published seven of my short stories, is in the process of publishing four more, and has me working on another four or five stories. To be sure, just ‘cause he’s publishing my stuff, I like him because in an industry where every Tom, Dick, and Stan Lee-wanabe he is doing what most funnybook self-publishers only dream about.

He’s publishing comics.

Let me reiterate that, he’s publishing comics, and not just a comic or two every year or so, he’s actually publishing multiple titles, and has been doing it for years. To be sure, He is neither rolling in dough (unless it is at the bakery shop), nor is independently wealthy (he has a full-time “real” job), but he is consistently publishing comics. He does so on time, fills them with interesting, exciting, readable material, and then he sells them. His numbers aren’t huge, but he does it over and over again, and that’s nothing to sneeze at in a day and age when the mainstream companies are having trouble moving their books, and most comicbook start-ups don’t ever get past their third or fourth issue.

The Main Enterprise comic we are talking about this time out is The Attic, This second issue offers more tales of horror, fantasy and suspense, and are once again told to the awaiting audience by the quirky, charming, and mysterious host, Mr. Allistair Grimsby, the caretaker of Thorndyke Manor. The magnificent abode of the equally mysterious Sir Gregory Thorndyke who — we are told — has an overwhelming passion for collecting some of the oddest curios the world over. It is the stories behind these unique objects that we are told by the ever loquacious Allistair Grimsby. As it turns out, Mr. Thorndyke keeps the most unique objects in, well, the attic.

Issue #2 spotlights more fascinating items in by stories from writers Roger Keel and Yours truly, along with superb art from the talents of John Lambert, Tony Lorenz, Kevin Duncan, and Hal Jones. There is also a short fiction piece by Sam Gafford, with accompanying art by Jamie Chase. There is additional interior art from Scott Shriver and a front cover by Dan Taylor and back cover by Hal Jones. This issue sells for $5.00, while issue #1 sells for 3.99. Personally, this reviewer thinks that all of the stories in both issues totally rock, but don’t just take our word for it, buy a copy of three for yourselves, and decide that for yourselves.

Oh, when you get there, tell Jim I sent you (but don’t say anything about my thinking that he was grumpy, or old, or, well Grim, he’s a little touchy about those things.

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