Monday, February 13, 2012

Gary Friedrich v. Marvel Comics

For what it’s worth, Marvel can deny the facts all it wants, but this is the way it was when it began back in February of 1975.


Belkis said...

Marvel didn't order Friedrich to never say he is the creator of Ghost Rider. They are saying he can't say he's the creator of Ghost Rider on unauthorized unlicensed reproductions of the Marvel character.

rjsodaro said...
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rjsodaro said...

You are absolutely right, Belkis, I should have updated this post when I learned more about the case. I have been trying to follow what is going on, and have heard some very interesting info about this (both from public and private sources). It isn’t all black and white (this Ty Templeton cartoon is just some of what has been going on here

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