Friday, January 14, 2011

The New Spidey!

OK Kids, you’ve probably already seen these (I know that I have  — several times) but here are the first released photos for the new Spider-Man, Andrew Garfield, on the set for the up-coming (re-boot) film.

1 comment:

Sol (Frederick) Badguy said...

Guideline No. 1: Spider-Man movie, not Spider-Man 4

The colors of the suit are better, Maguire's suit looks generally better

The people working on the movies are hugely inspired by USM, I wish they gave him the same look of suit, though I like this one

One Hulk, Two Hulk, Green Hulk, Red Hulk Or Wait, Why is the Hulk Red?

With the release of Captain America: New World Order , We — as a comicbook aficionado, historian, journalist, and creator for over 60 years ...