Tuesday, November 30, 2010

Con Girls, NYCC 2010 Variety

OK, Kids, as promised, here are the Con Girls I spotted this past NYCC:

Avatar Girls

 Bat Girl

Black Canary?

Black Cat, Posion Ivy & Friend

Mary Marvel

Booth Girl

Princess Leia & Friend
Princess Leia (again)


(another) Supergirl & Wonder Woman

Saturday, November 27, 2010

More from NYCC

Here are a couple of items that I forgot to post yesterday that I acquired at NYCC.

 Here is a T-Shirt from the film Reds (plus I got into a free screening of the film as well).

Here is a cool “Blank” toy figure from Shocker Toys.

 Not entirely sure what this shotgun shell is to (it says “Kill the Dead” on the side), but it was kinda cool.

I also scored like a 2" stack of DC comics, along with an equally tall stack of comics from a number of other publishers. I’ve waded through about half of the whole stack now, but it is slow going (and in the mean time I’m falling behind on my regular comic reading).

Tomorrow I promise pics of some hot con girls!

Friday, November 26, 2010

Swag from NYCC...

Well, it has been a while since the NY ComiCon, and while I have been remiss in posting about my experiences and the like I wanted to spend the next couple of posts displaying pics from the event. First up, I have some nifty-cool swag that I scored that I want to share with you all.

This is a giveaway breath mint package for Comedy Central's new show, Neic Swardson's Pretend Time

Several Marvel & DC buttons

 Promo Matches,

A slide puzzle

Cards for the Bruce Willis/DC Comics-based movie Red (good flick, by the way).

More will follow (Including Con Girls)

Tuesday, November 23, 2010

Green Hornet comes to Carl's Jr.

In advance of the upcoming Green Hornet flick, Carl’s Jr. has issued a set of four Green Hornet toys along with a GH plastic, collectible cup.

The flick, staring Seth Rogen, Cameron Diaz, Edward Furlong is due to hit theaters in January 2011, so it is rather odd that the toys are being released this far in advance, but, given the negative buzz that has been rumbling about the flick since the release of the first trailer, perhaps this is being done in order to reverse that feeling, and build up a younger potential audience. Still, given the shorted memory span of the American populace, it is still a tad unusual.

Needless to say, there are already a passel of Green Hornet comics that are already out there from Dynamite Entertainment. These comics are from a multitude of top-flight creators (including Kevin Smith, J. Scott Campbell, Alex Ross, Matt Wagner, and others).

Still,. this post is about the toys, and well, so far they look cool. so we’re going to hunt them down and see what we turn up.

In the mean time, let’s have some Green Hornet-Type fun, eh?

Monday, November 22, 2010

Say it ain't so!

Batman & Superman arrested in LA!

 Yep, you read that right, the cops in LA-LA LAnd are arresting Superheroes...

You’d think Wolverine, Batman, Superman, Catwoman and Iron Man would collectively hold enough superpower to keep the cops at bay.
But with the Hall of Justice unavailable, a group of street performers nicknamed the Hollywood Characters aired their beef against the Los Angeles Police Department in federal court. And on Wednesday, a judge ordered the LAPD to stop harassing and arresting them as they perform on Hollywood Boulevard for pocket change.
You have to see this to believe it.

You just know that this wouldn’t happen in the Big Apple!

Some folk need a new hobby

Yeah, yeah, I like comics, and have been reading Superhero comics as long as I have been able to read, but (except for one Halloween), it never occurred to me to dress up as a superhero and actually fight crime. Apparently these folks walked down a decidedly different path.

A group of caped crusaders with names like Thorn, Green Reaper, Penelope, and Phoenix Jones have sprung up in Seattle. These masked vigilantes say they're part of the Rain City Superhero Movement -- self-described superheroes who patrol the streets at night and fight crime. They're part of a larger movement of crime fighters who host this website for the Real Life Superhero community -- giving tips to Regular Joes and Janes who want to take to the streets and perform "good deeds for the communitarian place whom he inhabits." Someone's been watching too much 'Kick-Ass.'
Yeah, you read that right, they are actually acting out their personal fantasies by fighting crime as superheroes...

Seattle police are getting a bit antsy about people putting themselves in unnecessary danger. A group of superheroes outside a gas station in ski masks didn't bode well with authorities, and one dressed in all black was almost shot running out of a dark park. Phoenix claims he was stabbed "while trying to intervene with a drug dealer and a citizen." Why do they risk it? "Because someone's gotta do something," the author of RLSH says.
Personally, I just don’t think that this stuff plays out the same way it does in either the comics or on the silver screen. Take my advice kids, leave the crime-fighting to the professionals.

One Hulk, Two Hulk, Green Hulk, Red Hulk Or Wait, Why is the Hulk Red?

With the release of Captain America: New World Order , We — as a comicbook aficionado, historian, journalist, and creator for over 60 years ...