Tuesday, August 04, 2009

Out in Space

So, did I mention that my good buddies over at Free Lunch Comics publish some wicked-cool funnybooks? Yeah, well if I haven’t I really should have. A couple or three months back they put out a Sci-Fi (yeah, THAT’S the way it is spelled) comic entitled Beyond the Kuiper Belt. This issue features art by Matt Ryan (one of my personal favorite artists), and Keith Murphey (another good artist and personal friend of mine).

Oh yeah, I probably should mention at this point that I contributed a prose piece to the publication as well. I did so under a pseudonym (not because I’m bashful, shy, or was trying to hide out, but because it was intended to the “letters” page — which was constructed as part of the over theme of the publication — and needed to be built as if it was from a reader of the mag.

Beyond the Kuiper Belt is a fun romp constructed as if it were a serious fringe publication, catering to that group of folk that live and die by the kind of odd-ball stuff that could populate real-life X-Files, Fringe, Warehouse 13, and Eureka. Personally, I not only enjoyed working on my (small) piece of the publication, I truly enjoyed reading it as well, and I’m betting that you will as well.

You can get your own copy of Beyond the Kuiper Belt by going here and getting one yourself.

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Oh Canada!

I've long had a love of and desire to collect specialty comics. That is to say comics that either contain corporate characters selling o...