Thursday, February 05, 2009

A pre-Valentine’s Day Mystery

So I get home today and I find an Express Mail package in the mailbox. The package is addressed to me, and — when opened — contains a packet of Spidey Valentines, and a note from my “secret” Valentine. The return address on the package is the next town over, which is unfamiliar to me, as is the handwriting.

Someone is playing me, and has a sense of humor.

So far I’m entertained.


Tommy said...

It's not me, but maybe it's Chris?

Reggie White Jr. said...

And it's Spectacular Spidey Valentine's Day cards to boot! Someone has excellent taste. And no it wasn't me.

rjsodaro said...

Actually, fellows, I know that it is someone local to me, as the return address is just the next town over. I judt can’t place the handwriting or the address.

Plus, I don’t think it is a comics fan, as the card says “Spiderman” (sic) not Spider-Man.

Belkis said...

I wish I thought of that. That is brilliant. Except I would have gotten "Spider-Man" right..;)

rjsodaro said...

Yes, you totally would have, which is why I knew it wasn't from you, but thanks for dropping by.

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