Tuesday, August 26, 2008

Today is Belkis day

A couple of days ago I mentioned the Novastar Studios calendar that I worked on for my good buddy James Rodriguez. As I mentioned at the time, the fantasy art calendar stars the very lovely Belkis. Well, Tommy (with his jaw on the floor, and his tongue dragging behind him) asked if Belkis was a real person. I replied that, yes she is, and I (much to my delight) have met her (and — unbelievable as it might sound — she actually talks to me).

Well, just to prove the first part of that statement, I am going to provide you all with some photographic evidence of the divine vision that is the always beautiful, Belkis.

I took these pictures of Belkis at the NY Comiccon this past year as she and James began their marketing push for the calendar and well, as you can see, they really didn’t have any trouble selling the calendars. (Hey, now that you’ve seen the actual Belkis, can you resist buying one?) So, once again I strongly urge you to contact James and purchase one for yourself. The calendar cost a mere $20.00 (which includes Shipping and Handling). So head over to James’ site and get a better look at the imagery on the calendar.

Oh yeah, just in case you need more Melkis images to convince you, keep scrolling, efendi!

Not sure, but I think she put this dress on backwards...


Tommy said...

O.O "!!!"

rjsodaro said...

Need I add, “Yea!”

Reggie White Jr. said...

HOTNESSSSS!!!!!! So Bob, is she single? Not that I'm, ya know, interested or anything.

rjsodaro said...

Unfortunately, Reg, no she is not. Worse still, she’s a newlywed, and even if she wasn’t, I saw her first!

Reggie White Jr. said...

I'll figt you for her, Bob! Wait, aren't you married? =/

rjsodaro said...

...and your point is???

One Hulk, Two Hulk, Green Hulk, Red Hulk Or Wait, Why is the Hulk Red?

With the release of Captain America: New World Order , We — as a comicbook aficionado, historian, journalist, and creator for over 60 years ...