Wednesday, October 31, 2007

Spidey Halloween Fun!

Jonathan Couper-Smartt Our Imperious leader over at SpiderFan sent me this Spidey-Themed comic, so I figure that I would take the opportunity to post it here.

Thanks Jon!

Sunday, October 28, 2007

Back in the Saddle Again

Well, it has been a while since I’ve been posting to this space, first a virus, then a bad power supply, then well, just overloaded time. Anyway, I’m hoping to catch up over the next few days with a bunch of stuff that has been sitting around my in-box for a time.

First thing is this cartoon. I saw it quite a while back, and clipped it. As a Spidey fan, it hit a responsive chord in me, and I felt that I wanted to share it with you all, especially those of you folk who, like me, are contributors to SpiderFan.

I figured that all of you, like me, would blanch when reading this strip (then get a good chuckle out of it). Especially after the recent conversation that many of us had over owning a copy of Amazing Fantasy #15 (the actual first appearance of our beloved webbed hero.

And look, perhaps the most important aspect of this comic, is that they actually spelled Spidey’s name right, with the hyphen.

Tuesday, October 16, 2007

Today I’m In Fanboy Heaven!

That’s right kids, I went on the Comicvine Dating service to see which comicbook character I’d be compatible with, and look who I got on my first try!

Tiger. It looks like I just hit the Jackpot!

(Personally I always thought of myself ad a Gwen kind of guy!)

Saturday, October 13, 2007

This Drink is on Spidey

When Spidey 3 came out, there was a bunch of Spidey-related products. Toys, games, plushes, etc. Some of the stuff that I most enjoyed was the food-related stuff. Couldn’t tell you why, it was just fun for me. So I bought a bunch of them. Here is a small can (8 oz.) of (Blubbery-flavored) Spidey-soda.

Yeah, you read that right. It actually wasn’t that bad.

Friday, October 12, 2007

Captain America is Dead, Long Live Captain America

OK, who (besides me) knew that Cap was coming back. Well he is, only it apparently isn’t Steve Rogers (who apparently is still dead). Yep that’s right, in the January edition of Cap’s book (#34, to be precise), Captain America will return.

According to a post on the Star-Spangled Avenger returns, with a new costume that has been designed by Alex Ross. Now, you have to understand that this story is “Half-way” through the Death of Captain America storyline. Personally I believe that it will end with Steve Rogers returning and once-more donning the mask of America‘s Sentinel of Liberty.

When he does, remember, you read it here first.
Captain America is Dead, Long Live Captain America

Captain America Lives — News OK, who (besides me) knew that Cap was coming back. Well he is, only it apparently isn’t Steve Rogers (who apparently is still dead). Yep that’s right, in the January edition of Cap’s book (#34, to be precise), Captain America will return.

According to a post on the Star-Spangled Avenger returns, with a new costume that has been designed by Alex Ross. Now, you have to understand that this story is “Half-way” through the Death of Captain America storyline. Personally I believe that it will end with Steve Rogers returning and once-more donning the mask of America‘s Sentinel of Liberty.

When he does, remember, you read it here first.

Thursday, October 11, 2007

Holy Collectibles, Batman!

Hey, I know I generally write about Spidey stuff here, but did anyone hear about this? A near-mint copy of Detective Comics 27, a pre-World War II comic featuring Batman’s debut, was recently found in an attic and sold to a local collector. (via AP).

Yeah, some guys have all the luck, and this guy Todd McDevitt seems to be lucky indeed. Seriously, I’ve had dreams like this where I walk into a store, or someplace and I find all of these vintage comics in pristine condition. Then I wake up. Well, it is nice to know that stories like this really do take place. I want to be jealous, but, hell, few things could be cooler than this.

Well,me completing off my Spider-Man collection would be nice. I’m only missing a couple years worth of comics that fluctuate between ‘95 and ‘01. I was missing all of those years,but have managed to fill them in quite nicely, and hope to someday do just that. When I do that, I’ll have a complete run.

Then life will be so sweet!

Thursday, October 04, 2007

Legion of Superheroes goes Fast Food!

OK,now I’m really irritated. Sure, sure, you all know that I’m a huge Spidey fan, and love to collect Spidey stuff, but, I’m also a superhero kind of geek, and tend towards that side of the street. Well, as if that weren’t enough, I’m also a fast food guy, and well, when those three items converge, I’m so there!

Unfortunately, I just wasn’t there in August when McDonald’s offered up a set of Legion of superhero toys. I actually found out by accident when I discovered one of the trading cards that came with the set lying on the ground outside a pizza place that I frequent. Well, as soon as I discovered that the toys were old, I went on the web to locate a set.

I found one on ebay (a couple of other folk are currently bidding on it, but I’m thinking that I want to try and snag it for myself. More as this progresses.

Wednesday, October 03, 2007

Coming Clean with Spidey

As you may have learned by now, I have something of a Spider-Man fetish. Yeah, surprising, isn’t it? Whoda thunk it, eh? Anyway, I saw a couple of Spidey-themed bath items in the store the other day, and couldn’t help myself.

So now, I can clean my self with Spidey (don’t look too deep in that).

One Hulk, Two Hulk, Green Hulk, Red Hulk Or Wait, Why is the Hulk Red?

With the release of Captain America: New World Order , We — as a comicbook aficionado, historian, journalist, and creator for over 60 years ...