Wednesday, October 25, 2006

Never Judge a book...

So, you’ve heard me talking about my short story

Well, the story, Never Judge a book... is in Psychosis! well, I just want you all to know that I’m running a contest to win a copy of the comic. I’m giving away four copies of the comic (one of each cover) autographed by as many of the creators as I can get to sign them. For details on how to win one for your very self, go here and check in.

For those of you who don’t win, or simply don’t want to wait, go here and buy a copy of your own.

As you can expect, I’m really excited about the comic coming out. In fact, we’re having something of a kick-off party this weekend at Twins Pub in NYC, if you are in the area, come on by and stop in to say hello. I’ll be the one who is very excited (heh)


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