Tuesday, February 12, 2008

Upcoming Projects

I wanted to take a minute or two out of my on-going anti Brand-New Day Rants to let you all know about a couple or three of my upcoming projects.

A year or so ago, I had a short story entitled Never Judge a Book, published in an illustrated horror anthology (Psychosis!, published by Guild Works Productions). Well, that story was meant to be a one-off story. That is to say, a fully complete story, with no continuation. Interestingly enough, that didn’t quite happen. It was suggested to me that these characters had more to say. At first I objected, but the more I thought about it, the more I realized that that wasn’t going to happen.

As fate would have it, there is more to the story of Hope and Grace. The continuation of that story occurs in Psychosis! #3 with How Deep the Wood. In this story we learn how the girls became the way they became, along with who they were before they became that way. Intrigued? I hope you are, stick around you’ll learn more; that story is slated to come out shortly, again with art from the very talented Matt Ryan.

Another story of mine that is due out soon, is the continuation of a comic series that I began in the mid ‘80s. That series, Agent Unknown (published by Renegade Press) came to a rather abrupt end (canceled in mid stream when the B&W comicbook market collapsed (I still have the first three issues, post that you are interested and we’ll see what we can arrange).

Anyways, the new Agent Unknown story (Springload & Renegade) is slated to appear in CAG #7. While this story is a continuation of the concepts began in Agent Unknown, the characters are new, and the story itself is darker, and far more violent than those earlier stories. Personally, I love the new artist, Chris Torres, I have seen the pages and he has crafted a spectacular story that is moody and powerful. I can hardly wait to see the last two pages.

Another story of mine is being drawn by a fellow named Roy Cutting. I have seen his work posted on Deviant Art, and it is very fine, lovely in fact, and I specifically chose him to illustrate a fun superheroine story of mine that I’m calling Hot Girl and Totally Hot Girl, and yes, it is exactly what it sounds like.

I’ve seen a pin-up of Roy’s as well as page one of the series, and I’m including them both here. I have to say you that I am really looking forward to this year, because these are just three of the stories of mine that are coming out, and I’m very excited.

So, when I have more to tell you good folks, you can most assuredly bet that I’ll do just that.


Mike Podgor said...

I'd like to take a look at this "Agent Unknown."

rjsodaro said...

I’ve seen the art of the first 66 or 7 pages and it just blew me away. I’ll let you know when (and where) it is available.


Tommy said...

I'm interested as well.

I might bug you about this at some point, Bob, but I'll see how things look on my end before doing so.

rjsodaro said...

Bug away ol’ Son, I’ll be bragging about it from now ’til when it comes out (oh, and above, I saw the first 6 or 7 pages not 66), sorry if that lead to anyone’s confusion.


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With the release of Captain America: New World Order , We — as a comicbook aficionado, historian, journalist, and creator for over 60 years ...