Monday, August 13, 2018

Hey look! I’m (apparently) wicked famous again!

So, back in March of this year (2018)  the folks over at the Grawlix Podcast spent some time reviewing a comic that I wrote for Red Anvil Comics, entitled Owlgirls. Well, Red Anvil co-publisher Joe Martino hard the podcast, and alerted me to its presence. So I checked it out.

So, after listening to that podcast where the hosts seemed to like (if not quite understand) the comic, I checked out a couple more of their podcasts and they seemed like nice enough blokes, so I reached out to them and indicated that I’d be more than happy to talk with them about Owlgirls, as it was really one of my personal favorite comicbook projects in which I have been involved.

I spoke about that original podcast here,

After a brief exchange, and a (relatively short) time period, we managed to get together, and record the podcast. That particular podcast was released a bout a week back, and is now up online (here).

I listened to the podcast and (even though I already knew what what it was all about) rather enjoyed it. So if you want to learn more about Owlgirls, Red Anvil, or some of the other (admittedly cool) stuff I’m doing, check out the ‘cast and then tell them how much you enjoyed it.

Then hang out and make the Grawlix Podcast a regular listening ‘cast of yours!

So Thanks Randy, Jessie, and Melanie for a fun Sunday afternoon, and all of the press, and ego-boo!

Sunday, August 05, 2018

Teen Titans Go (the Movie)

So, a week or so back I went to see Teen Titans Go! To the Movies with fellow comic aficionado (and former DC Comics scribe) Gary Cohn. The reason for this was that while Gary was at DC he (and Dan Mishkin) co-created Amethyst Princess of Gemworld who showed up in an (all too brief) cameo in the film.

Now (admittedly) neither Gary or I would normally attend the theatrical screening of such a film (no offense to the film itself nor to the creators, cast or crew of the film, it is just that an animated film targeted towards kids (even a comicbook-based film) just isn’t our cup of tea. We are both more the live-action funnybook film kind of guys (me more than Gary, but that’s another story).

If anyone is interested, a longer, more detailed review of mine will appear at a later date over on HubPages, where I’ve been posting my film reviews as of late. (Yeah, yeah, I know I’ve been absent from those pages for a while, but, you know, life and all that, and I do plan on returning to posting over there as soon as possible.)

Needless to say, both Gary and I thoroughly enjoyed the film (yeah, it was goofy, and hyper-kinetic, and yes, targeted for a (much) younger audience. Still, it was very entertaining, and all. Plus we not only got to see Amethyst herself, but we got to see Gary’s (and Dan’s) name(s) in the credits.

However, even more surprising, was that comicbook superstar, and Marvel’s own legendary Stan Lee also had a surprisingly unexpected Cameo in the film. Now how cool was that?


One Hulk, Two Hulk, Green Hulk, Red Hulk Or Wait, Why is the Hulk Red?

With the release of Captain America: New World Order , We — as a comicbook aficionado, historian, journalist, and creator for over 60 years ...