Monday, January 19, 2015

Two more from Main Enterprise

Continuing my association with the every jovial Jim Main, the year gets off to a wonderful start as he releases a pair of fine publications (on which I served as Production Manager) first up is The Outer Limits, followed by *PPFSZT! #40.

Outer Limits ($8.99) is a 68 page, trade paperback format, glossy interior pages, index card cover stock book. that is chock-a-block full of amazing illustrations by a whole passel full of amazingly talented artists.

*PPFSZT!#40 ($6.50) is a magazine-sized funnybook with strips, panel gags, illustrations and other fun and entertaining stuff that will certainly brighten up your day.

Both publications are available from Main Enterprises, or by contacting Jolly Jim himself at We highly recommend both publications (and would have recommended them even if we hadn¹t worked on them ourselves).

So help yourself to a heaping helping of good ol’ funnybook (and TV) fun by acquiring for yourselves both of these very fine Main Enterprises publications.

You'll be so very glad that you did!

One Hulk, Two Hulk, Green Hulk, Red Hulk Or Wait, Why is the Hulk Red?

With the release of Captain America: New World Order , We — as a comicbook aficionado, historian, journalist, and creator for over 60 years ...